What’s an analogy?

Analogies compare difficult material with something easily understood. They can use present objects, common knowledge, or shared experiences. Analogies can be similes or metaphors, and are used in entertainment and on exams. An important type of analogy is a method of explanation or clarification that involves comparing the difficult material with something that is more […]

False analogy: what is it?

The false analogy fallacy occurs when an inappropriate analogy is used to support an argument, assuming that because something is true of one example in the analogy, it is true of the other. Strong analogies can be effective, but false analogies are often used to support under-argued or unsubstantiated ideas. Also called the weak or […]

Analogy vs. Similitude: What’s the Difference?

Similes and analogies are both comparisons, but not the same. A simile is a figure of speech using “like” or “as,” while an analogy is a type of argument connecting two objects or ideas. Analogies can be complex and used to convince someone, while similes are simpler comparisons. While analogy and similitude are both comparisons […]

Analogy vs. Metaphor: What’s the diff?

Analogy and metaphor are both used to compare two things, but in different ways. Analogy compares multiple aspects to show similarities, while metaphor directly relates two things. Metaphors use direct comparison without “like” or “as”, while analogies use them. Similes are like metaphors but use “like” or “as”. While both analogy and metaphor are used […]

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