Who owns Antarctica? (24 characters)

Antarctica has no official government or owner due to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, which allows for peaceful scientific exploration by a cooperative of nations. There are no official laws, and people must follow the laws of their own countries. Antarctica holds 70% of Earth’s freshwater supply and 90% of freshwater ice. Tourists have increased to […]

Antarctica: What to know?

Antarctica is a cold, dry continent with less than 2% ice and subject to the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits military use and nuclear waste disposal. Several nations have territorial claims, but the treaty supersedes them. Scientific research stations and tourism have increased in recent years. Antarctica is the fifth largest continent on Earth, with over […]

Snow or rain in Antarctica?

Antarctica is the driest and coldest place on earth, with some areas receiving no rain or snow for millions of years. Dry valleys receive less than 0.4 inches of precipitation per year, and temperatures can reach -13 degrees Fahrenheit. In 2009, scientists tested equipment for Mars exploration in these areas. Antarctica also holds records for […]

Has Antarctica ever been warm?

Antarctica was once a temperate place covered in forests and animals, part of the supercontinent Gondwana. It began to cool and move south, separating from other landmasses and becoming covered in ice about 23 million years ago. Today, it is the coldest continent on Earth and almost entirely covered in ice. For much of the […]

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