Algeria’s anti-fraud measures for exams?

Algeria has experienced widespread cheating in national exams, leading to internet shutdowns and cell phone jamming in 2017. In 2018, the government unplugged the internet for up to three hours a day for a week, affecting millions of citizens. Other countries, such as Ethiopia, Uzbekistan, and Iraq, have taken similar measures. In Algeria, cheating in […]

How anti-fraud software works?

Anti-fraud software detects fraudulent transactions and weaknesses in internal controls. There are three types: transaction-based, audit-related, and forensic accounting. Transaction-based software validates security protocols and limits fraudulent activity. Audit-related software reviews financial activity for patterns of fraud. Forensic accounting software is used in investigations to identify patterns of fraudulent activity. The use of anti-fraud software […]

What’s an Anti-Fraud Office?

Anti-fraud bureaus investigate and prosecute scams and criminals who use deception to obtain money or assets. They exist in government, insurance, and law enforcement agencies and handle various types of fraud, including counterfeit money, internet crimes, insurance fraud, and welfare fraud. These bureaus work to prevent, investigate, and prosecute fraudulent activities. An Anti-Fraud Bureau refers […]

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