What’s Prostate-Specific Antigen?

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the prostate gland and secreted into semen during ejaculation. While the name is inaccurate, PSA tests are still used to evaluate prostate health, although controversy surrounds their effectiveness in reducing mortality from prostate cancer. Other tests are used in addition to PSA tests to make an […]

What’s antigen presentation?

Antigen presentation is when cells digest foreign proteins and present them on their surface to other cells, triggering an immune response. T lymphocytes recognize foreign antigens through a T cell receptor and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. MHC class I molecules present endogenous antigens, while MHC class II molecules present exogenous antigens. Antigen-presenting cells include […]

What’s a blood antigen?

Blood contains different cells with antigens that can cause an immune response if recognized as foreign. Blood transfusions must be checked for antigenic compatibility, with the ABO and rhesus systems commonly used. ABO typing depends on genes inherited from parents, while rhesus factor determines if blood is Rh positive or negative. Mismatched blood can cause […]

Protein Antigen: What is it?

Protein antigens stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies and can be exogenous, endogenous, or self-antigens. They are used in medical research, diagnosis, treatment, and vaccinations. A protein antigen is a protein that can stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies and to which the immune system will react if it is identified in the […]

What’s a recombinant antigen?

Recombinant antigens, made up of different proteins, stimulate immune responses and are used in vaccines. Some antigens provide lifelong protection, while others need periodic boosters. The human body can produce its own antigens, including in cancer cells. Drug-resistant bacteria create dangerous recombinant antigens that can spread. Recombinant antigens are important in medicine but can also […]

What’s an Influenza Antigen?

Flu antigens are used to make flu vaccines, which induce the production of antibodies to neutralize foreign substances in the body. The flu is the seventh leading cause of death in the US, and pandemics can kill tens of millions of people. Vaccines are designed by the World Health Organization and contain three different flu […]

What’s a Peptide Antigen?

Peptide antigens are short chains of amino acids used to activate the immune system and develop antibodies. They can be used in vaccine development and are often part of larger proteins. Antigens are molecules that generate an immune response, and antibodies are proteins that counteract specific antigens. Peptide antigens are synthesized and injected into animals […]

Antigen receptor: what is it?

Antigens stimulate an immune response by immune system cells with specific antigen receptors. Antibodies, produced by B lymphocytes, bind to specific antigens. Memory cells can produce antibodies upon re-exposure. T helper cells stimulate antibody production, while T killers kill infected cells and antigens. Any molecule that is recognized by the body as foreign, or not […]

Antigen binding: what is it?

Antigen binding is when an antibody recognizes and binds to an antigen, which can be used in immunohistochemistry to identify antigens in tissue samples. Antibodies have a specific antigen binding site, allowing them to target specific antigens. This process is essential for the immune system to neutralize harmful pathogens. In the lab, antigen-antibody interactions can […]

What’s a surface antigen?

Surface antigens are proteins on cell membranes that signal various biological processes. They can be used to detect diseases or organ transplant rejection. HBV antigens are released by viruses and can be used to diagnose disease. Different types of antigens can be found on immune cells and act as markers for different functions. Antigen tests […]

Types of human antigen?

Human antigens include blood factors and those that help the body distinguish between foreign and healthy cells. Blood type is determined by the presence or absence of A and B antigens, and transfusions should not contain unknown antigens. Antigens are identified by the human leukocyte antigen system encoded on DNA. Exogenous antigens enter the body […]

What’s Antigen Detection?

Antigen detection tests identify foreign substances or organisms causing disease in a patient by detecting antigens in body fluids. Rapid antigen detection test kits have made diagnosis more accessible, and effective drugs can be administered once a diagnosis is confirmed. Detection kits are available for various types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. The kits […]

What’s an Antigen?

Antigens stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies to defend against foreign substances, but can also cause harmful allergic reactions. Medical tests can identify unique antibodies to determine exposure to disease or toxins. Antigens can come from bacteria, viruses, toxins, and transplanted organs. Allergies occur when the body develops an antigenic response to something harmless. […]

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