What does an anxiety psych do?

An anxiety psychologist specializes in treating anxiety disorders using therapy techniques. They differ from psychiatrists who can prescribe medication. To become a psychologist, a bachelor’s and master’s degree is required, followed by a PhD or Psy.D and licensing in the state. An anxiety psychologist is a psychologist who specializes in treating anxiety disorders, which include […]

Reduce anxiety: Tips.

Anxiety can be reduced through medication, therapy, exercise, deep breathing, distraction, and avoiding caffeine and excessive alcohol. It’s important to see a doctor if anxiety is constant or decreasing quality of life. Benzodiazepines are addictive and should be used under a physician’s care. There are several ways to reduce anxiety, but it’s important to see […]

Causes of child separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is common in children under six when separated from a caregiver, but if it persists after six it may be a disorder. Trauma, overprotective parents, and moving frequently can cause separation anxiety. It can also be a learned behavior or a biological disposition. Separation anxiety is characterized by irrational feelings of worry or […]

Propranolol and anxiety: what’s the link?

Propranolol is a beta blocker that can be prescribed by doctors to treat high blood pressure, tremors, migraines, and some heart conditions. It can also be used to manage anxiety in specific situations, such as public speaking. However, it is not effective for generalized anxiety. Pregnant and breastfeeding patients should not use propranolol, and it […]

Using Kava Kava for anxiety relief?

Kava kava is a natural treatment for anxiety and stress, originating from the South Pacific. It can be taken in various forms, but dosage and potential side effects should be considered. It is not recommended for daily use and may interact with certain medications. Kava kava is a pepper-like plant native to the South Pacific […]

Avoid work anxiety: how?

Performance anxiety, related to fear of performing, can cause intense stress at work. Maintaining perspective, asking for help, seeking professional help, pursuing hobbies, and considering a career change can alleviate this anxiety. The term performance anxiety is used to describe fear of performing and is closely related to stage fright. In work situations, performance anxiety […]

What’s the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale?

The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale measures the severity of physical and mental anxiety symptoms and evaluates the effectiveness of anti-anxiety medications and therapies. It consists of verbal questions and rates the patient on 14 items, with scores ranging from zero to four. While criticisms have arisen, it is widely used and provides reliable data. The […]

Causes of anxiety and weakness?

Anxiety and weakness can be caused by physical or psychological problems, such as viral infections, cancer, depression, and mental illness. Eye diseases, thyroid conditions, Guillain-Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and panic attacks can also cause weakness and anxiety. Long-term depression can lead to physical weakness due to neglecting essential requirements. Common causes of anxiety […]

Did Darwin’s health and anxiety impact his research?

Charles Darwin’s groundbreaking theory of evolution was formulated during a lonely and isolated life in England after his voyage to the Galápagos Islands. Scholars suggest he suffered from severe panic disorder, which gave him time to focus on his work. Researchers speculate that his mother’s death and early loss of a parent may have contributed […]

Anxiety and chest pain: any link?

Anxiety and stress can cause chest pain, but it’s important to distinguish between anxiety-induced pain and pain caused by heart problems. Anti-anxiety medication and therapy can help manage anxiety and associated physical symptoms, including chest pain. It’s important to seek medical evaluation to confirm the cause of chest pain. Anxiety and chest pain are commonly […]

Anxiety & indigestion: any link?

Anxiety and indigestion often occur together, with anxiety causing stomach upset and indigestion leading to anxiety. Exercise, smaller meals, and certain foods can help, but patients should speak to a doctor if symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Anxiety and indigestion are two common conditions that often occur together. The disorders are related in […]

What’s the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale?

The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale is a questionnaire survey that measures the intensity of a patient’s social anxiety or phobia. It consists of 24 items that specify certain social situations and patients rate their fear and avoidance on a scale of zero to three. A higher score indicates a higher degree of social anxiety. It […]

Anxiety vs. mood disorders: what’s the difference?

Anxiety disorders are characterized by abnormal fear, worry, or nervousness, while mood disorders involve extreme sadness or euphoria. Both are classified into three categories and can be treated with various medications. Examples of anxiety disorders include phobias, panic attacks, and obsessive-compulsive behavior, while mood disorders include major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. The difference between […]

What’s separation anxiety?

Separation anxiety is a common psychological condition experienced by children between the ages of one and three. It occurs because the child has not developed the psychological maturity to know that their parent will return. Parents can help their child overcome separation anxiety by properly greeting them and associating their return with a part of […]

What’s Clinical Anxiety?

Clinical anxiety is a persistent psychological state that can cause physical symptoms such as nervousness, sleep disturbances, and panic attacks. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a diagnosis of pervasive anxiety, and treatment varies from lifestyle changes to medication. Homeopathic treatments include managing stress triggers, diet, exercise, and relaxation techniques. Anxiety attacks can occur and last […]

What’s trait anxiety?

Trait anxiety is a personality disorder where people perceive situations as more dangerous than they are, leading to excessive fear and a feeling of doom. It can cause panic attacks, phobias, and other mental conditions, and is triggered by a physiological response that causes adrenaline to be released. Genetics and environmental factors can play a […]

OCD and anxiety: any link?

OCD and anxiety are both classified as anxiety disorders, with persistent anxious thoughts causing excessive worry or compulsive behavior. Treatment for both includes medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy to help sufferers change their thoughts and attitudes. The basic connection between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxiety is that both are classified as anxiety disorders. In most people, […]

Existential anxiety: what is it?

Existential anxiety is a type of anxiety that cannot be treated and is based on the philosophy of existentialism. It is caused by fear of death, fear of unknown events, and the fluidity of self-concept. It has given rise to religions and scientific research and reflects humans’ longing for permanence and meaning in life. Existential […]

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