Apr 19th: What occurred?

The American Revolution began with the “Shot Heard Round the World” in 1775. Other events include the Oklahoma City bombing, Marie Antoinette’s marriage, Pope Benedict XVI’s election, and The Simpsons’ debut. The American Revolution began. (1775) “The Shot Heard Round the World” took place early in the morning in Lexington, Massachusetts, as 700 British soldiers […]

Apr 8th: What occurred?

Buddha’s birthday celebrated by Buddhists, WPA established by Congress, League of Nations had last meeting, ceasefire signed in Sudan, Venus de Milo discovered, Times Square named, first Alzheimer’s patient dies, celebrities sell war bonds, Hank Aaron breaks home run record, Entente Cordiale signed. Buddha is said to have been born. (564 BC) Although it is […]

What occurred on Apr 30th?

The brightest supernova appeared (1006), Saigon fell to communist forces (1975), Hitler committed suicide (1945), the first federal prison for women opened (1927), George Washington’s inauguration took place (1789), hail the size of oranges fell in India (1888), the Louisiana Purchase was finalized (1803), Fairbanks and Pickford left their mark on Grauman’s Chinese Theater (1927), […]

Apr 20th: What occurred?

Louis Pasteur performed his first pasteurization tests in 1864. The Columbine school massacre occurred in 1999. Vitaphone audio process was announced in 1926. Marie and Pierre Curie isolated radium chloride in 1902. The Crimes in the Rue Morgue was published in 1841. The Ku Klux Act was passed in 1871. President McKinley signed a joint […]

Apr 6th: what occurred?

The first modern Olympics were held in Athens with 13 nations competing in events. America entered World War I. The Rwandan genocide began, claiming over 800,000 lives. The Beach Boys were banned from performing at the Washington Mall. Other events include the opening of American ports for trade, the patenting of celluloid, the first Tony […]

Apr 26th: What occurred?

Studio 54 opened in 1977, becoming a hub for celebrities during the disco era. The Chernobyl disaster occurred in 1986, while the first US presidential visit to China since Nixon happened in 1984. Other events include John Wilkes Booth’s death in 1865, English colonists reaching Virginia in 1607, and the Gestapo’s formation in 1933. Studio […]

Apr 1st event?

April Fool’s Day became popular in England in the early 1700s. Nixon banned cigarette advertising in 1970, Hitler was sent to prison in 1924, and the BBC aired a spoof documentary about spaghetti trees in 1957. Cincinnati paid its firefighters a salary in 1853, and the internal combustion engine was patented in 1826. Apple was […]

Apr 7: What occurred?

Important events in history include President Eisenhower’s speech on the “domino theory,” the founding of the World Health Organization, American troops capturing Baghdad, the invention of friction matches, the sinking of the Japanese warship Yamamoto, John Wayne’s Oscar win, Tito becoming president for life of Yugoslavia, the costly battle of Shiloh, and the birth of […]

Apr 9: What occurred?

Lee surrendered in 1865, Germany invaded Norway and Denmark in 1940, the oldest audible recording was made in 1860, NASA introduced the first astronauts in 1959, the Chicago Eight pleaded not guilty in 1969, Mark Twain received his steamboat pilot’s license in 1859, the first Freedom Ride took place in 1947, the first indoor baseball […]

Apr 23rd event?

Shakespeare’s birth and death are celebrated on the same day, Sirhan Sirhan received the death penalty for assassinating Robert Kennedy, the first McDonald’s in Beijing opened, Boston Latin School was established, “New Coke” was unpopular, Judy Garland played Carnegie Hall, George and Martha Washington moved into the first executive mansion, the first video was uploaded […]

Apr 14th: What occurred?

The Human Genome Project was completed in 2003, Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, Truman received the NSC-68 report in 1950, Titanic sank in 1912, Hepburn and Streisand tied for Best Actress in 1969, first abolition society formed in 1775, Donner Party embarked on journey in 1846, Black Sunday dust storm occurred in 1935, and Steinbeck’s […]

Apr 18th: What occurred?

Events throughout history include Paul Revere’s ride warning of British plot (1775), a radio broadcast with no news (1930), Ezra Pound’s release from asylum (1958), the first crossword book published (1924), the Great San Francisco Earthquake (1906), the first stone laid in St. Peter’s Basilica (1506), the Doolittle raids on Tokyo (1942), Joan of Arc’s […]

Apr 2nd: What occurred?

Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany (1917); Tally’s Electric Theater opened in LA (1902); Pope John Paul II died (2005); US Mint founded (1792); John Gotti convicted (1992); Richmond Bread Riot occurred (1863); LexisNexis launched (1973); Ponce de Leon discovered Florida (1513); As the World Turns debuted (1956); first “panda” crossing opened in UK (1962). […]

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