Apr 5th event?

Anti-war protests in the US (1969), Darwin sends Origin of Species to publisher (1859), gold hoarding made illegal (1933), Battle of the Ice (1242), Helen Keller breakthrough (1887), Washington’s first veto (1792), Easter Island discovered (1722), Pocahontas marries John Rolfe (1614), Churchill resigns (1955), April 1976 Movement leads to violence in Tiananmen Square (1976). Massive […]

Apr 11th: What occurred?

Einstein published his theory of relativity (1905), Truman relieved MacArthur of command (1951), Napoleon was exiled to Elba (1814), Iowa imposed the first state cigarette tax (1921), Lincoln made his last speech (1865), Buchenwald prisoners were liberated (1945), Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed (1968), southern Ohio correctional facility rioted (1993), last death sentence […]

Apr 15th event?

Jackie Robinson broke baseball’s color barrier, the Titanic sank, insulin became available, Lincoln was assassinated, McDonald’s opened, and Fidel Castro visited the US. Malta was awarded the George Cross, Rand McNally published its first road atlas, and General Electric was incorporated. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball. (1947) Robinson played his first game […]

Apr 28th: What occurred?

Yellow fever vaccine created (1932). Mutiny on HMS Bounty (1789). Muhammad Ali refuses army draft (1967). iTunes store launched (2003). Dennis Tito becomes first space tourist (2001). Railway workers set track-laying record (1869). Mussolini executed (1945). International Congress of Women opens (1915). Kon-Tiki Raft expedition begins (1947). University of Santo Tomas founded (1611). The creation […]

Apr 29: What occurred?

Nixon released the Watergate tapes, Hitler married Eva Braun and committed suicide, riots erupted in LA over Rodney King verdict, Dachau liberated, first 3D TV episode aired, Hair opened on Broadway, Chemical Weapons Convention entered into force, Joan of Arc lifted siege in Orleans, William Randolph Hearst born, WWII Monument opened in DC. Nixon announced […]

Apr 25th event?

Yuri Andropov replied to American student Samantha Smith’s letter about nuclear war, inviting her to visit the USSR. The name “America” was first used on a map in honor of Amerigo Vespucci. Robert Noyce patented an improved integrated circuit design. Truman opened the White House bowling alley, and New York issued the first US license […]

Apr 21st: What occurred?

Henry VIII became king of England and oversaw the split of the Anglican church. Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus. Student protests in Tiananmen Square led to the Tiananmen Square massacre. The Hutt River Province seceded from Australia. Maryland declared freedom of religion for all Christians. The film projector was first introduced in the […]

What’s APR?

APR is a numerical figure used to express the cost of credit. Lenders are required to fully disclose the APR to consumers by law. APR allows consumers to compare loans and determine the least expensive credit products, but can be confusing as lenders have flexibility in calculating APR and several fees are included in one […]

0% APR credit cards: what to know?

0% APR credit cards offer no interest rate initially, but eventually charge interest on any balance owed. They can be beneficial for paying off debt, but it’s important to consider the interest rate after the introductory period and calculate if transferring balances will result in real savings. Reading all terms and conditions is crucial. 0% […]

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