Shortage of camels in Saudi Arabia?

Australia exports camels to Saudi Arabia for the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca due to disease, drought, and political strife in North Africa. Australia has a large population of wild camels causing damage estimated at A$10 million. In 2002, Australia began exporting camels to Saudi Arabia. Camels are particularly in demand during the Muslim pilgrimage to […]

Divorce in Saudi Arabia: What’s it like?

Saudi Arabia now requires courts to send women a text message when their husbands are granted a divorce, ensuring they receive alimony and custody rights. The government has also eased custody laws and allowed women to drive, participate in sports, start businesses, and join the military. Imagine getting a divorce and not knowing it. Prior […]

Popular spices in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has strict codes of behavior, including dress mandates and bans on pork and nutmeg due to its potential for hallucinations and fatal poisoning. Photography of certain buildings is illegal, cinemas were banned for 35 years, and Valentine’s Day is not celebrated. As a conservative Islamic country, Saudi Arabia is known for its strict […]

What’s Arabia Mountain State Park?

Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area in Georgia is recognized by the US government for its unique natural and cultural history, including the granite rock formation of Arabia Mountain, forests, streams, and historic homes. The area is preserved and promoted for tourism through National Heritage designation, with the Arabia Mountain Trail being a popular attraction. Arabia […]

Reforms in Saudi Arabia: social and economic.

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is lifting the ban on cinemas, as part of his Vision 2030 program to stimulate the economy and ease social restrictions. Films will be censored to respect Islamic laws and moral values. The traditional macho culture in Saudi Arabia seems to be changing, at least in some ways. […]

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