What’s an Arms Architect?

Starchitects are architects who gain fame and influence in the architecture community and beyond, often branching out into luxury goods. Their work is cutting edge and demands attention, but some find it unpleasant. Developers attach them to projects for approval, and some cities regret endorsing questionable projects. Notable starchitects include Gaudi, Gehry, and Koolhaas, and […]

What’s a sergeant at arms?

The sergeant-at-arms is responsible for maintaining order in meetings and can vary in duties between organizations. The position dates back to the Middle Ages and has evolved to include administrative and security responsibilities. In everyday terminology, a sergeant-at-arms is normally considered the person responsible for maintaining order in any type of meeting. Most legislative and […]

What’s a College of Arms?

A college of arms oversees the granting of heraldic material and genealogical information, with the British College of Arms being the most famous. Heralds determine eligibility for a coat of arms and descendants or those who make major contributions to society may be granted one. Fees are paid by applicants, but a government-appointed official has […]

Arm’s length price?

Affiliated companies must conduct business at arm’s length, with no special discounts or price reductions beyond those offered to any customer. This ensures fair market value and prevents tax issues. Some countries have laws on intercompany pricing. In today’s global business environment, it is not unusual for subsidiaries of larger companies to transact business with […]

Chemical arms?

Chemical weapons are toxic substances used in warfare or crowd control. Their use is prohibited by the Geneva Protocol and their development and stockpiling is curtailed by the Chemical Weapons Convention. Chemical weapons have been used since ancient times, with more sophisticated and devastating weapons developed in the 20th century. They are classified by programs […]

Pirate arms?

Pirates used a variety of weapons including cutlasses, daggers, scimitars, flintlock pistols and rifles, and ship’s tools. These weapons were used for both fighting and everyday activities aboard ship. Some weapons were improvised from daily use items such as belay pins and grappling hooks. Pirates used a wide variety of weapons during their time at […]

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