What’s sinus arrhythmia?

Sinus arrhythmia is a usually benign interruption in the heartbeat that originates in the sinus node of the heart, but other arrhythmias can be serious. It can be caused by medications, stress, environmental factors, and recreational drugs. A doctor may diagnose it through a physical exam or electrocardiograph. Patients with a history of sinus arrhythmia […]

What’s cardiac arrhythmia?

Cardiac arrhythmia is an irregular or abnormal heart rate that can be life-threatening. Bradycardia is when the heart rate falls below 60 bpm, while tachycardia is when it exceeds 100 bpm. Fibrillation is a fatal form of arrhythmia that affects the atrium or ventricle. Any form of arrhythmia requires medical attention. Sometimes referred to as […]

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