PCR and rheumatoid arthritis link?

C-reactive protein (CRP) is closely linked to rheumatoid arthritis and can be used to diagnose and monitor the disease. However, other factors must also be considered, and not all patients with rheumatoid arthritis will test positive for CRP. Doctors have known about the connection between CRP and rheumatoid arthritis since the 1980s. C-reactive protein (CRP) […]

Arthritis & neck pain: any link?

Arthritis in the neck can cause stiffness and pain, with rheumatoid arthritis and cervical spondylosis being the most common conditions. Diagnosis involves physical exams and imaging tests, while treatment options include medication, lifestyle changes, and physical therapy. The cervical spine can experience stiffness and pain due to arthritic conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis and cervical spondylosis are […]

Arthritis and scleroderma link?

Arthritis and scleroderma are autoimmune diseases with overlapping symptoms, including joint pain and swelling. Scleroderma is more life-threatening due to excess collagen production, which causes hardened skin and internal organ damage. Medications and exercise can help manage symptoms, but there is no cure. Some patients with scleroderma may develop rheumatoid arthritis. Early intervention can improve […]

Rheumatoid arthritis test: what’s involved?

Rheumatoid arthritis test involves an interview, physical exam, blood tests, and medical imaging to identify symptoms, risk factors, and levels of substances causing joint pain and swelling. Family history increases the risk of developing the disease. MRI or X-ray scans can reveal abnormalities and monitor treatment progress. A rheumatoid arthritis test involves several types of […]

Tomatoes & arthritis: any link?

The connection between tomatoes and arthritis is not proven, but some believe nightshade vegetables negatively affect certain health conditions. Tomatoes are thought to cause chemicals to build up in the body, increasing joint pain and stiffness. Eliminating tomatoes from the diet may help reduce symptoms. The connection between tomatoes and arthritis is not proven, but […]

Tomatoes & arthritis: any link?

Tomatoes and arthritis have a controversial connection, with some believing that nightshade vegetables negatively affect certain health conditions. While not proven, some doctors suggest that tomatoes could be a type of food allergy that affects arthritis symptoms, and eliminating them from the diet may help alleviate symptoms. The connection between tomatoes and arthritis is not […]

Arthritis vitamins: types?

Arthritis patients are often deficient in vitamins C, B6, B12, D, E, and folic acid. Taking arthritis vitamins may not be enough to control the condition if there are other deficiencies in the patient’s diet. Vitamin C can benefit arthritis patients in a number of ways, including indirectly helping to treat the condition naturally. Vitamin […]

Using cod liver oil for arthritis?

Cod liver oil can alleviate pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, and is a natural solution without side effects. It can be taken in liquid or capsule form, with two-thirds of a tablespoon recommended daily. Research shows it can reduce pain by almost a third and may delay the need for joint replacement surgery. Talk about […]

Foods to avoid for arthritis?

Certain foods can worsen arthritis symptoms, including caffeine, sugar, soft drinks, and foods high in saturated fat. Avoiding these foods, along with exercise and medication, can help reduce joint inflammation and pain. Consult a doctor or dietitian for advice on the best arthritis pain management diet. There are many foods to avoid with arthritis, including […]

Alcohol & arthritis: what’s the link?

Moderate alcohol intake may have a protective effect on rheumatoid arthritis, but excessive alcohol consumption can worsen symptoms and side effects of medications. The link between alcohol and arthritis is still unclear, and many sufferers report worsening symptoms after drinking. Different types of arthritis have different reactions to alcohol, and combining alcohol with pain relievers […]

Gout vs. arthritis: what’s the difference?

Gout and arthritis cause joint pain, but have different underlying causes and affect different joints. Gout is caused by uric acid crystal buildup and affects middle-aged men and women, while arthritis can be degenerative or autoimmune and affects females more often. Treatment and medication also differ between the two conditions. Gout sufferers can control flare-ups […]

Osteo vs. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Differences?

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are joint conditions with different causes and symptoms. Osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear, while rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Both conditions cause pain, but rheumatoid arthritis can affect multiple joints and organs. Treatment options differ, but pain relief is important for both. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are both […]

Gluten & arthritis link?

Gluten may cause an allergic response in some people, leading to inflammation and pain in rheumatoid arthritis and related conditions. Arthritis has been linked to diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and celiac disease, which often involve gluten intolerance. A gluten-free diet may help reduce joint pain and inflammation in individuals with arthritis. Gluten is […]

Rheumatoid arthritis: pathophysiology?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the body’s joints, causing inflammation, pain, and impaired movement. Factors such as genetics, infection, smoking, and a poorly regulated immune system may contribute to the disease. Females are more likely to develop RA, and infection and genetics may play a role. Smoking doubles […]

Lupus or arthritis? How to tell?

Lupus and arthritis share similar symptoms, but lupus affects women more often and can be fatal. Lupus also affects multiple organs, including the kidneys, and can cause a unique rash. Arthritis is more prone to causing joint deformity. A doctor’s visit is necessary for a proper diagnosis. The symptoms of lupus and arthritis are alarmingly […]

What’s facet joint arthritis?

Facet joint arthritis is a condition where the bones of the spine show wear and tear, causing pain and stiffness. It can be caused by aging or injury and is treated with movement, stretching, and gentle strengthening exercises. Morning stiffness can be relieved by movement. Facet joint arthritis, also known as facet arthropathy, is a […]

Best tips for rheumatoid arthritis diet?

While there is no definitive rheumatoid arthritis diet, certain foods can reduce symptoms. Antioxidant-rich foods like berries and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish can help, while maintaining an ideal weight is key. Medications and surgery may also be necessary for treatment. There are no definitive answers as to whether a rheumatoid arthritis diet exists […]

Yoga benefits for arthritis?

Yoga can benefit those with arthritis by reducing pain, increasing range of motion and strength, improving emotional well-being, and encouraging physical activity. It can also help with weight loss and relaxation, and there are different types of classes available for beginners and advanced students. The benefits of yoga for arthritis include a variety of physical […]

What’s migratory arthritis?

Migratory arthritis causes symptoms to move throughout the body. It is caused by an underlying medical condition and can be diagnosed through a detailed diary of pain. Treatment includes medication, diet, exercise, and supplements. Migratory arthritis is a type of arthritis that causes symptoms to move throughout the body rather than staying constant in one […]

Cherry juice for arthritis: benefits?

Drinking cherry juice can help decrease joint inflammation and provide antioxidants to repair damaged joints for arthritis sufferers. Cherry juice is a natural alternative to traditional pain relief medication and can also lower uric acid levels for those with gouty arthritis. It is recommended to consume 1 cup of cherry juice daily and to consult […]

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