Cirrhosis & ascites: what’s the link?

Cirrhosis is the main cause of ascites, a condition where the abdominal cavity fills with fluid, causing pain and discomfort. Ascites is usually easier to cure than cirrhosis, but complications can arise when the two occur together. Treatment options include paracentesis and long-term management with a special diet, diuretic drugs, and liver transplantation. The relationship […]

Causes of ascites?

Ascites is a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity, commonly caused by liver disease, congestive heart failure, kidney disease, or certain types of cancer. Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may include dietary changes, medication, or surgery. Consult a doctor for specific concerns. Although there are many possible causes of ascites, liver disease […]

What’s refractory ascites?

Refractory ascites is a condition where fluid accumulates in the abdomen and does not respond to medical treatment. It is often a complication of liver failure and can be managed with dietary changes, diuretics, and shunts. Patients with liver problems should monitor their health and seek treatment if they notice changes. Refractory ascites are accumulations […]

What’s chylous ascites?

Chylous ascites is a rare condition caused by a leak of chyle, a natural body fluid, into the abdominal cavity. It can be caused by various factors, including cancer and cirrhosis. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, and fever. Treatment involves finding and resolving the underlying cause, and may include a low-fat diet, diuretics, and surgery. […]

Pancreatic ascites: what is it?

Pancreatic ascites is the buildup of fluid in the abdomen due to a dysfunctional pancreas, with high levels of amylase and protein. It is more common in men aged 20-50 with a history of pancreatitis and alcohol consumption. Treatment options include conservative treatment or surgery. It is important to treat the underlying cause and seek […]

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