What’s Coal Ash?

Coal ash, a byproduct of coal burning, is produced by power plants worldwide. Components can be reused in products such as concrete, but the rest must be stored to prevent pollution. Coal ash contains radioactive isotopes and toxins that can be dangerous if released into the environment. Disposal is a serious environmental problem, with some […]

What’s bottom ash?

Bottom ash is a byproduct of coal burning, with disposal options ranging from recycling to landfilling. It can be used as an aggregate in building products, but may contain dangerous partial combustion products like dioxins. Careful handling and disposal is necessary to prevent environmental risks. Bottom ash is a byproduct of coal burning. The largest […]

What’s an ash dump?

Ash dumps hold ash from combustible materials like wood and coal. Residential ash dumps are connected to fireplaces, while industrial ones are larger and can be dangerous due to toxic by-products. Proper disposal is important to avoid environmental degradation. An ash dump is a holding area for ash, a byproduct of combustible materials such as […]

What’s Fly Ash Cement?

Fly ash, a byproduct of coal burning, can be used as an alternative or supplement to traditional Portland cement in concrete. It is considered environmentally friendly and can reduce contamination, but there are concerns about potential health risks and lack of regulation. Limits have been set on acceptable levels of toxins in fly ash cement. […]

What’s fly ash?

Fly ash is a by-product of burning coal to create electricity, consisting of fine, glassy particles. It can be captured and recycled as an additive to cement, asphalt, and other building materials, but disposal presents environmental concerns due to its toxic heavy metal content. Fly ash, also known as pulverized fuel ash (PFA), is industrial […]

Fly ash cement: pros and cons?

Fly ash concrete has advantages over regular concrete, including reduced water permeability and increased strength. Poorly produced fly ash has disadvantages, but properly manufactured fly ash produces a quality product. Fly ash fills small spaces within the mix for a cohesive substance that resists water infiltration and has a high strength. The slow curing time […]

Soda ash and sulfuric acid: what’s the link?

Sodium carbonate and sulfuric acid have opposite pH properties. Soda ash can be made from sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid. Sodium carbonate is used in glassmaking and laundry detergents. Sulfuric acid is important for phosphate fertilizers, rayon manufacturing, and other industries. Sodium sulfate has various uses, including in papermaking and medicine. Sodium carbonate and sulfuric […]

What’s Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, a time for reflection on sin and Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection. It is also a day of fasting and attending mass or religious services. Palm Sunday precedes Easter, with palms given as gifts and returned to be burned before next year’s Ash Wednesday. On Ash Wednesday, burnt palm […]

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