What’s sperm aspiration?

Sperm aspiration is a less expensive and simpler infertility procedure than IVF, using a fine needle to extract healthy sperm from the testicles or epididymis. It is used to treat low or weak sperm counts, vasectomy, and deformities of the vas deferens. The procedure is painless and fast, with immediate recovery. Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration […]

What’s aspiration pneumonia?

Aspiration pneumonia is caused by foreign bodies entering the lungs, often food particles or pills, and can be complicated by high acidity and anaerobic bacteria. It affects the bronchioles and alveoli, causing reduced airspace and chest congestion. Symptoms include cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Treatment involves stabilizing the airways and administering antibiotics or corticosteroids. […]

What’s fine needle aspiration?

Fine needle aspiration is a quick and low-risk procedure used to diagnose cancer, infections, and other diseases by extracting a small sample of tissue from a suspicious mass. It is commonly performed on palpable nodules in lymph nodes, and the sample is analyzed under a microscope by a pathologist. It can also be used to […]

What’s meconium aspiration syndrome?

Meconium aspiration syndrome occurs when a newborn inhales fecal matter before, during or after birth, causing respiratory problems. Symptoms include difficulty breathing and skin discoloration. Treatment involves removing excess meconium from the lungs and using respirators or antibiotics if necessary. Most children recover without long-term health problems. Meconium aspiration syndrome is a respiratory disease affecting […]

What’s Aspiration?

Aspiration has two medical meanings: pulmonary aspiration, where foreign objects are sucked into the lungs, and medical aspiration, where matter is removed. Pulmonary aspiration can cause aspiration pneumonia and is a risk during surgery and unconsciousness. Aspiration as a medical procedure can be done in many ways, and anesthesia may be needed. The term “aspiration” […]

What’s pulmonary aspiration?

Pulmonary aspiration occurs when foreign substances enter the lungs instead of the stomach, causing suffocation and potentially serious infections. It can be caused by impaired breathing and swallowing coordination, respiratory disorders, and nervous system disorders. Prevention measures include avoiding talking or laughing while eating or drinking and performing tongue exercises. Treatment involves antibiotics for aspiration […]

What’s a cyst aspiration?

Cyst aspiration is a medical procedure where fluid or cells are extracted from a cyst using a needle, often to perform a biopsy. The needle may be guided by ultrasound, and the contents are drawn into a syringe for further investigation. This procedure is less painful than surgery and allows for same-day discharge. Cyst aspiration […]

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