What’s a Wound Healing Assay?

A wound healing test is a laboratory test where cells are grown in culture, a wound is simulated, and the response of the cells is monitored. This test is used in research to study how different cell types respond to injury and can help researchers make recommendations for patient treatment and wound management. A wound […]

What’s a platelet assay?

A platelet test measures platelet function and can include multiple tests. It requires a blood sample and can determine platelet count, clotting time, aggregation function, adherence, clotting factors, and aspirin tolerance. Results are printed with normal ranges and values, and can help diagnose conditions and monitor ongoing ones. Rush orders are available at an additional […]

What’s a Peptide Assay?

Peptide tests detect and identify peptides in a sample, providing information about their concentrations. They are used in research, diagnostics, and pharmaceutical development. Peptide dosages can help diagnose medical conditions, and labs can compare results against a peptide library. Standardized procedures reduce errors, and scientific supply companies sell equipment and solutions. A peptide test is […]

Cytokine Assay: What is it?

A cytokine test determines the types or concentrations of cytokine molecules in a biological sample. Cytokines are small proteins that act as signal carriers between cells. The test is used in research and treatment monitoring for diseases that involve cytokines. There are several types of cytokine tests, including variations of the enzyme immunosorbent assay. A […]

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