What’s roadside assistance?

Roadside assistance helps drivers with breakdowns or mechanical failures on the road. It covers flat tires, lockouts, mechanical failure, running out of fuel, or dead batteries. The service is usually included in full coverage motorist insurance policies or offered through credit card companies, tire purchases, or new vehicle purchases. Contractors from the roadside service company […]

What’s Spouse Assistance?

Spouse Assistance is a US program that provides funds for the education of spouses of deployed military members, with similar programs in other countries. Eligible expenses are limited to tuition and books, and the program must meet certain standards. Private sector spousal assistance is rare. Spouse Assistance evokes a program authorized for continuity in the […]

What’s a Transition Assistance Program?

Transition Assistance Programs (TAPs) help military personnel transition to civilian life, with a focus on finding employment. TAPs offer workshops, counseling, job listings, and assistance for families. Participation in TAPs can lead to finding work earlier and securing better jobs. Disability Transition Assistance Programs (DTAPs) provide additional support for disabled veterans. A Transition Assistance Program […]

Best tips for grad assistance?

Graduate students can work as assistants to subsidize their tuition and gain teaching or research experience. The process for becoming a graduate assistant varies by school and department, so students should research availability and contact the school for information. Good academic performance is required to obtain and maintain graduate assistance. To obtain graduate assistance, a […]

Best victim assistance sources?

Victims of crime can feel overwhelmed for a long time after the event. Victim assistance programs are available in many communities, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutors’ offices, and community-based agencies. Victims can find support by contacting their local police department or national hotlines, and may also be able to access assistance through employee assistance programs. […]

What’s a Tuition Assistance Allowance?

Assistance grants are given to students to help pay tuition and do not need to be repaid. They can cover various expenses and may be based on merit or specific purposes. Employer-provided subsidies may require the student to work for the company for a specified period of time. An assistance grant is any amount given […]

Assistance Act: what is it?

A warrant for assistance is a court-issued document obliging a court-appointed person to hand over documents and property to a designated official. Due to constitutional restrictions, it is rarely used in the US, except in limited circumstances such as bankruptcy and child custody cases. The British government used it to levy taxes on American settlers, […]

Taxpayer Assistance Act ’97?

The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, signed by US President Bill Clinton, aimed to balance the budget and make changes to economic policy. It included a reduction in capital gains taxes, education and child tax credits, and the establishment of the Roth IRA. It is considered one of Clinton’s greatest contributions to the US. In […]

What’s Predatory Mortgage Assistance?

Predatory mortgage service involves unethical and illegal practices by mortgage servicers, including changing interest rates and terms without notification. Borrowers in vulnerable positions are often targeted, and may not understand their rights. Consumers should work with licensed professionals and report any suspicious activity to legal aid attorneys or government regulators. Predatory mortgage service is a […]

Low income energy assistance requirements?

Low-income energy assistance eligibility requirements vary by jurisdiction and program, but generally require low income and may consider family size. Income guidelines and proof of responsibility for energy bills are often required, but unpaid bills may not be. Proof of eligibility, including income, residency, household size, and energy bills, is typically required during the application […]

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