First astronaut candidates?

In 1959, NASA only recruited male astronauts, but some experts believed women would be better suited. The “Women in Space Program” was created to secretly test 13 women, including Jerrie Cobb, who outperformed male astronauts. The initiative was canceled when it was discovered that it was not sponsored by NASA. When NASA recruited the first […]

How to be an astronaut?

Becoming an astronaut requires a bachelor’s degree in science, engineering or mathematics, three years of work experience or graduate studies, passing a physical exam, and two years of training at the Johnson Space Center. NASA receives thousands of applications but only a few are selected. Those interested in science, cutting-edge technology and adventure may find […]

NASA’s astronaut candidate requirements: what’s new?

NASA’s astronaut application requirements have changed since the 1950s. The original Mercury 7s were chosen from a pool of 500 military candidates, while current applicants are selected based on education and training. Neil Armstrong was part of the second batch of candidates and had two degrees in aeronautical engineering. In June 2017, NASA selected 12 […]

Survival time of an astronaut in space without a suit?

Space is an amazing but scary place. Without a space suit, an astronaut would lose consciousness in 15 seconds and die in minutes. NASA suits protect against extreme temperatures. The first spacewalk was in 1965, and the longest was 8 hours and 56 minutes in 2001. There is no doubt that going to space would […]

What’s an astronaut?

Astronauts are trained to operate spacecraft and work for government or private space programs. They endure grueling schedules and training programs for years before going into space. Manned spaceflight began in Russia in 1961 and the United States quickly followed. Astronauts are cross-trained to perform a variety of tasks and must have extensive knowledge of […]

Astronaut training: what’s involved?

Astronaut training at NASA is rigorous and demanding, but for those who are committed, it can become a reality. Pilot astronauts are viewed as the top dogs and must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, physical or biological sciences, or mathematics, as well as flown jet aircraft for at least 1,000 hours. Astronaut training takes […]

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