What’s atypical lobular hyperplasia?

Atypical lobular hyperplasia is a precancerous condition that affects breast tissue and can lead to cancer if left untreated. Treatment involves removing suspicious tissue. Women with a family history of breast cancer may consider preventative medications or surgery, and healthy lifestyle choices can reduce the risk. Atypical lobular hyperplasia is a precancerous condition that usually […]

What’s an atypical migraine?

Atypical migraines have symptoms that don’t fit the classic profile, making diagnosis difficult. Patients may experience severe pain, neurological symptoms, and nausea. Treatment involves medication and may require multiple attempts to find an effective solution. A neurologist is usually involved in treatment. An atypical migraine is a migraine with a range of symptoms that don’t […]

What’s Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia?

Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) is a non-cancerous condition where cells lining the milk ducts of the breast experience abnormal growth, indicating an increased risk of cancer. Patients are recommended to have regular check-ups and may consider prophylactic medications or a preventive mastectomy. Regular breast self-exams and health screenings are important for early detection. Atypical ductal […]

What’s atypical chest pain?

Atypical chest pain is difficult to define and can vary from doctor to doctor. It can be caused by a range of factors, from minor musculoskeletal problems to serious medical conditions such as heart attacks or chest tumors. Women are more likely to experience irregular types of chest pain than men. The definition of atypical […]

What’s atypical TB?

Atypical tuberculosis is caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) and is difficult to diagnose. It affects people with compromised immune systems and is increasingly seen in postmenopausal women. Antibiotic resistance is common, and treatment can involve years of multiple antibiotics with serious side effects. Proper identification of the particular type of Mycobacterium is crucial for effective […]

What’s an atypical lymphocyte?

Atypical lymphocytes are larger than normal ones and indicate antigen stimulation or immune system activation due to infection, hormones, radiation, or other factors. Certain viruses, such as Epstein-Barr and cytomegalovirus, impair lymphocyte production. Atypical lymphocytes can help identify the source of infections, and some viruses that create them are transmitted through sex or bodily fluids. […]

What are atypical melanocytes? (38 characters)

Atypical melanocytes are abnormal pigment-producing cells that can be malignant or benign. They are often identified during a physical exam and can be examined by a pathologist. Treatment options depend on the nature of the cells, and monitoring over time is recommended for benign cases. Second opinions are also recommended. Atypical melanocytes are pigment-producing cells […]

What’s atypical trigeminal neuralgia?

Atypical trigeminal neuralgia (ATN) is a rare disorder of cranial nerve V that causes facial pain with a heavy, aching, burning, or dull quality. It is difficult to distinguish from classic trigeminal neuralgia, but medications for typical trigeminal neuralgia can provide pain relief. The underlying mechanisms of ATN can result from several conditions including a […]

What’s Atypical Autism?

Atypical autism, also known as PDD-NOS, is a diagnosis for children who display some autistic symptoms but not all. It is often diagnosed at an older age than autism and has a genetic basis. Common traits include social interaction difficulties, language development problems, and a preference for routine. Treatment with behavior therapy can have a […]

What’s an atypical meningioma?

Meningiomas are tumors of the meninges, with most being benign. Atypical meningiomas may be malignant and grow back after treatment, while grade III meningiomas grow aggressively. Diagnosis is made through MRI and symptoms include headaches, seizures, and sensitivity to light. Treatment involves surgical removal and radiation therapy. Meningiomas are tumors of the meninges, the membrane […]

What’s atypical lymphocytosis?

Atypical lymphocytosis is when lymphocytes respond to exposure to antigen, often due to bacterial or viral infections. It can also be caused by allergens, fungi, autoimmune diseases, vaccinations, drug reactions, and cancer treatments. Diagnosis is done through blood tests and treatment depends on the underlying cause. Atypical lymphocytosis occurs when lymphocytes, specific types of white […]

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