Aug 18th event?

BTK killer sentenced to 175 years in prison (2005), South Africa banned from Olympics due to apartheid policies (1964), Hitler temporarily halted euthanasia program (1941), helium discovered (1868), first person of color graduates from University of Mississippi (1963), women gain right to vote in US (1920), French priest burned at stake for witchcraft (1634), first […]

Aug 15th: What occurred?

The first solar system other than ours was discovered, as well as the opening of Tivoli Gardens, the worst terrorist attack during “The Troubles,” and other historical events. The first solar system other than ours has been discovered. (2001) National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA astronomers discovered two stars orbiting the star 47 Ursae Majoris […]

Aug 23rd: What occurred?

Anarchists Vanzetti and Sacco were executed for murder in 1927. West Nile virus was diagnosed in the US in 1999, and Pete Rose was banned from baseball in 1989. The Freckleton Air Disaster killed 61 people in 1944. Natascha Kampusch escaped after eight years of captivity in 2006. Other events include Saddam Hussein’s TV appearance […]

Aug 9th event?

The US dropped a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki, killing 39,000 people. Charles Manson killed Sharon Tate and four others. Terry Nichols was sentenced to 161 life sentences for the Oklahoma City bombing. Work on the Leaning Tower of Pisa began. Bridgestone/Firestone recalled 6.5 million tires linked to 46 deaths. Mahatma Gandhi was arrested by the […]

Aug 5th event?

Marilyn Monroe died from a drug overdose, IRA members were sentenced to prison, the first electric traffic light was installed, Marie Noe was accused of killing her children, Reagan fired air traffic controllers, Bertha Benz made the first long-distance car trip, income tax was introduced, the Mayflower set off for North America, caning was abolished […]

Aug 27th: What occurred?

The first successful oil well was drilled in the US in 1859. The Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted only 45 minutes, the shortest war in history. The Heinkel He 178 became the world’s first jet aircraft in 1939. Krakatoa erupted in 1883, causing 36,000 deaths. Mariner 2 successfully reached Venus in 1962. Edmund Kemper killed his grandparents […]

Aug 10th: What occurred?

David Berkowitz, the “Son of Sam” serial killer, was arrested and sentenced to six life sentences. The Smithsonian Institute was founded by James Smithson’s donation. Charles Manson and his followers were convicted of murder. John Walsh’s son was kidnapped and killed, leading to the creation of America’s Most Wanted. NASA’s Magellan probe mapped Venus. The […]

Aug 28th event?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I have a dream” speech to 250,000 civil rights protesters in Washington D.C. in 1963, influencing the movement. Other events include the first TV broadcast in Japan (1953), the first radio commercial in the US (1922), and the founding of Pepsi-Cola (1898). Women picketed President Woodrow Wilson for […]

Aug 24th: What occurred?

John Lennon’s killer was sentenced to prison. The British burned Washington DC in 1814. Amelia Earhart flew nonstop across the US in 1932. Captain Matthew Webb swam across the English Channel in 1875. Maria Teresa de Filippis raced in a Formula car in 1958. The Gutenberg Bible was printed in 1456. Mikhail Gorbachev resigned in […]

Aug 25th: What occurred?

Paris liberated from Nazi occupation (1944), New York Sun publishes “Great Moon Hoax” (1835), US President Truman orders seizure of US railroads (1950), discovery of bacteria causing bubonic plague (1894), American Nazi Party leader George Lincoln Rockwell killed (1967), Wizard of Oz movie premieres (1939), Galileo presents first telescope (1609), Voyager 2 makes closest flyby […]

Aug 12th event?

Japan Airlines Flight 123 crashed, killing 520 people in 1985. The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in 1953. Swiss banks agreed to pay back US$1.25 billion to Holocaust survivors in 1998. Thirteen Jewish poets and intellectuals were executed in the “Night of the Murdered Poets” in 1952. The California Supreme Court annulled 4,000 […]

Aug 31st: What occurred?

Edison patented the first movie projector, Princess Diana died in a car accident caused by paparazzi, the first solar-powered car was demonstrated, the Night Stalker was captured, and the IRA declared a ceasefire. Jack the Ripper killed his first victim, and Hurricane Carol killed 70 people in New England. Thomas Edison patented the first movie […]

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