What’s an auger?

Augers are spiral-shaped tools that move materials or liquids. They have been used since ancient times, with the first design being the water screw invented by Archimedes. Modern uses include snow blowers, Zambonis, plumbers’ tools, and grain augers for moving grain into storage bins. An auger is a spiral-shaped tool that moves materials or liquids […]

What’s a Grain Auger?

A grain auger is a device used in agriculture to transport grain. It was invented by Peter Pakosh and quickly became the standard for modern machines. Grain augers are portable and can be up to 60 feet long. Guards are recommended to prevent contamination and annual maintenance is necessary. Hydraulic grain augers are now available. […]

What’s auger drilling?

Auger drilling uses a helical screw to extract material from the ground, with many types available for various industries. The drill bit’s shape allows for efficient material removal, and it can drill hundreds of meters vertically and horizontally. It is commonly used in construction for gas, oil, and sewer lines, and environmental drilling for soil […]

What’s Auger Electron Spectroscopy?

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) identifies the chemical composition of a surface layer using electrons or X-rays. The energy of emitted particles is unique to the element, and peaks on a graph identify compounds. The technique is used in physical and chemical applications, but can damage the surface. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is often used to […]

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