What’s an autonomous car?

Autonomous vehicles do not require real-time instruction from humans to function and rely on sensors and on-board computers to make decisions. They are used in various industries, including oil and gas, military, and scientific research. Semi-autonomous Mars rovers can make independent navigation decisions, and DARPA sponsored competitions to develop driverless cars. An autonomous vehicle is […]

What’s autonomous computing?

Autonomous computing enables networks to manage themselves with little human intervention. IBM proposes a foundation of industry standards to create a multilevel autonomous computing system that performs critical administrative tasks without human intervention. The system must be able to take inventory, configure itself, optimize performance, self-heal, monitor security, recognize and adapt to coexisting systems, work […]

Autonomous Agent: What is it?

Autonomous agents, including computer programs and robotics, perform functions to achieve goals without direction. Researchers study their potential and capabilities. Agents use reasoning to interact with systems and behave purposefully. Multiple agents can cooperate or act independently. Applications include artificial life, complex robotics, and advanced computer programs. Truly autonomous agents do not require external input […]

What’s an autonomous system?

An autonomous system (AS) is a network with its own routing policies and an assigned Autonomous System Number (ASN). The Internet Protocol (IP) is the protocol used for communication between computer systems and is responsible for moving packets of information. To become a public autonomous system, the AS must have a clear internal routing plan, […]

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