What’s an aux relay?

Auxiliary relays assist other devices in performing actions by opening or closing circuits. They are used in electronic devices such as lights, televisions, phones, computers, and automobiles. Examples include wall switches and power buttons. An auxiliary relay is a relay that assists another relay or device in performing an action. It does this when its […]

What are aux contacts?

Auxiliary contacts are secondary switching devices that work with primary switching equipment. They are used for interlocks, latches, and remote indication of status and trip. They come in normally open or normally closed contact points and are smaller and rated at lower current ratings than the primary device. They can be built-in or added as […]

What’s Aux. Relief?

Ancillary relief is a court-provided allowance for financial or legal assistance following a divorce or annulment. It can include child support, custody arrangements, and asset distribution. The scope of benefits varies by jurisdiction and may involve fault or no-fault considerations. Parties can settle before going to court, and the judge issues an order based on […]

What’s an aux book?

Subsidiary ledgers provide more detailed information than the general ledger, creating a cleaner reporting process and easier account reconciliations. Control accounts dictate the information reported on the general ledger. Too many subunits can be time-consuming, and unnecessary ledgers should be reviewed. A subsidiary ledger is a subunit of the general ledger. The subunit contains more […]

What’s an aux verb?

Auxiliary verbs modify or accompany main verbs to change their meaning or tense. They can also indicate modality, such as permission, ability, or likelihood. Common auxiliary verbs include “is” and modal verbs like “may” and “can”. An auxiliary verb is a type of verb used to modify or accompany another verb, called a main verb, […]

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