Avg. age at marriage globally?

Marriageable ages vary greatly worldwide due to customs, economics, and religion. In the US, social status and location affect age at marriage, while in India and Africa, economic factors force early marriages. Scandinavian countries have the highest median age at marriage, while Eastern Europe has the lowest. China and Japan have high averages, but young […]

Avg. propensity to save?

The average propensity to save (APS) is a calculation of how much disposable income is regularly saved, based on the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes. Developing countries tend to have higher APS rates, while modern industrialized nations have lower rates. The marginal propensity to save (MPS) is closely related to APS and shows the […]

Avg. person’s caffeine intake?

Caffeine consumption varies by country, with coffee being the main source in the US and Canada, while tea is the main source in the UK. Soft drinks and candy are the main sources for children, with an average intake of 150-200mg per day. Awareness and limitation of caffeine intake is important to avoid addiction. Caffeine […]

Avg. US work hours per year?

Americans work an average of 39.5 hours per week, longer than any other OECD country. The average salary is $37,128. Countries with longer working hours include Greece, Mexico, and South Korea. South Korea had the highest annual working hours, but the government has implemented limits to curb overwork. 40% of American men born after 1956 […]

Avg. vehicle occupancy in US?

The average vehicle occupancy in the US has decreased from 2.2 to 1.7 people per car since 1970, resulting in less energy efficiency and environmental harm. Carpooling is more common for church, school, and social events, while commuting to work has the lowest occupancy. Vans have the highest occupancy, and there are more cars than […]

Avg. GMAT scores?

The GMAT is used to assess candidates for graduate-level business programs. Average scores vary and are reassessed every three years. MBA programs typically have higher average scores, with some elite programs requiring scores above 700. Researching average scores for specific programs can help candidates aim for a target score. Average Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) […]

Avg. weight gain in pregnancy?

Pregnancy weight gain varies, but typically 25-35 pounds. Underweight women may gain up to 40 pounds, while overweight women may gain 15-25 pounds. Additional calories can be met with an extra 100-400 a day. Exercise is encouraged, but high-risk pregnancies may require caution. Don’t try to lose weight during pregnancy. Average weight gain during pregnancy […]

Avg. carbon footprint?

Carbon footprints vary greatly depending on where someone lives, with industrialized nations like Canada having larger footprints than developing countries like Malawi. Average footprints by country are more revealing than the global average. North Americans have the highest average footprint at 20 tons per year, while Ethiopians have the lowest at 0.1 tons per year. […]

Avg. age of menopause?

Menopause is the end of a woman’s childbearing years, occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being 51. Genetics, lifestyle, and overall health can determine the actual age of menopause. Symptoms include irregular periods, hot flashes, and mood swings, and can be relieved with herbal remedies or hormone replacement therapy. […]

Avg. color of a photo: how to find?

The medium color tool calculates the average color of an entire photograph. It has various uses such as monitoring seasonal changes in a garden and decorating with travel photos. Users can upload a photo from their computer or URL, and view swatches with corresponding HTML and color values. mode == ‘input’): ?> Many popular image […]

Avg. monthly expenses calculation?

Calculating average monthly expenses is important for setting a realistic budget. One way is to add up expenses for 12 months and divide by 12. Tracking expenses for a month can also give a general idea, but beware of variances. Creating an expense estimate and analyzing data can help establish a sustainable budget. Experts recommend […]

What’s a weighted avg. return?

Weighted average return measures the performance of a stock portfolio by taking into account the amount of capital invested in each asset. It is calculated by multiplying the rate of return and percentage of the portfolio for each asset and adding them together. This provides a more accurate measure of portfolio performance than simply averaging […]

What’s a weighted avg. rating factor?

Weighted average rating factor calculates and communicates the overall risk of an investment portfolio, commonly used in collateralized debt obligations. It assigns a risk factor to each asset and averages them using weighting to match their proportions in the portfolio. The final figure varies depending on the rating system used. A weighted average rating factor […]

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