Avg. collection period?

The average collection period is the time it takes for outstanding payments to be received. Understanding this can help businesses anticipate cash flow and identify unfavorable trends, such as changes in customer payment patterns. It’s important to take into account factors like holidays and weather when calculating the average collection period. Sometimes referred to as […]

Avg. reading speed for adults?

The average adult reads 300 wpm, but college students and professors can read faster. The world record is 4,700 wpm. Audiobook readers should read at 150 wpm. Third graders read 150 wpm. JFK and Jimmy Carter were fast readers. Critics argue speed reading leads to skimming. The average adult reading speed is around 300 words […]

Avg. industrial wage?

The average industrial wage is the average hourly wage earned by workers in a specific area, calculated by surveying all wages and averaging them. It is used as a benchmark for worker earnings and can impact consumption levels. The process is done through a survey and should be studied in context, considering inflation. The average […]

Avg. price?

Average prices are used to identify a median or average number as a benchmark for evaluating a security’s performance or creating budgets. This approach can be used for expenses, bond issues, and stock options to determine stability and performance over an extended period. Average prices are measures of price ranges that take into account the […]

Avg. propensity to consume?

Average propensity to consume (APC) is the percentage of household income spent on goods and services in a given period, while the inverse is the average propensity to save (APS). High APC levels benefit the economy, but saving wisely leads to long-term financial success. The term “average propensity to consume” describes the percentage of household […]

What’s Weighted Avg. Maturity?

Weighted average maturity is a calculation used for mortgage-backed securities and bonds to determine the time to final payment for each asset in the portfolio. It does not provide insight into the quality of individual investments but can give a clearer picture of the collateral’s long-term time to pay. Weighted average maturity is a term […]

Avg. return?

Average return calculates the expected rate of return on an investment portfolio, taking into account the risks involved. It can be used in capital budgeting and stock analysis to determine the probable value of a project or portfolio. Geometric mean return calculates the proportional change in wealth over time, taking into account the compounding effect. […]

Avg. retirement age?

The median retirement age varies based on employment, retirement, and life expectancy trends. It differs from the full retirement age and can vary based on factors like gender, race, income, and occupation. Understanding this age is important for analyzing workforce trends and personal retirement planning. It can also impact retirement benefits. The median retirement age […]

What are Wtd Avg Shares?

Weighted average shares are used to determine a company’s average number of outstanding shares during a specified period, which affects how earnings per share is measured. The calculation involves multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the percentage of time they were outstanding and adding the totals. This is necessary due to fluctuations in the […]

Avg. propensity to save?

The mean propensity to save (PPS) is an economic calculation based on John Maynard Keynes’ theories. In developing countries, PPS tends to be high, while most modern industrialized nations have a low PPS. The marginal propensity to save (MPS) and the average propensity to consume (APC) are related concepts. The mean propensity to save (PPS) […]

What’s a weighted avg. inventory?

Inventory valuation is important for businesses and can be done through methods such as FIFO, LIFO, and weighted average inventory. The latter creates an average cost for all goods ready to sell. Failure to properly value inventory can distort a company’s balance sheet and income statement. Weighted average inventory can smooth out the cost of […]

Avg. cost in USD?

The dollar cost method involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, ensuring that more shares are bought when prices are low. This method eliminates guesswork and is facilitated by many investment companies through automatic plans. The dollar cost method is a reversal method that takes changes at market price over large time […]

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