Why fear awkward silences?

Dutch psychologists studied the effects of awkward silences on conversational dynamics and found that a four-second silence can trigger negative emotions and damage self-worth and belonging. The person who caused the silence feels anxious and less confident, while others feel distressed, fearful, hurt, and rejected. The researchers suggest identifying the source of the comment and […]

When is silence awkward?

Silence for more than four seconds can cause anxiety and low self-esteem due to the fear of social rejection. In some cultures, being quiet is seen as trustworthy, and silence every 20 minutes past the hour is a natural instinct. Quiet environments are better for children’s learning. Silence becomes awkward after about four seconds, according […]

What’s an awkward silence?

An awkward silence is an uncomfortable lack of communication between people, often caused by inappropriate comments or social faux pas. It can lead to anxiety and distress, but comfortable silences can also occur in close relationships. The cause of awkward silence varies, but it can be related to instinctive attitudes toward group acceptance. An awkward […]

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