Babylonian gods?

The Babylonians had a complex pantheon of gods and demons, with many myths explaining the creation of the world and events on Earth. The gods were led by Apsu and Tiamat, with Marduk eventually becoming ruler. Notable gods include Sin, Shamash, Nintu, Anu, Kingu, Damkina, Ea, Mummu, Enlil, and Ishtar. The Babylonians were polytheists heavily […]

Babylonian creation myth?

The Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish, is a poem engraved on seven stone tablets that tells the story of chaos and vengeance by gods and goddesses. The main character, Marduk, created the calendar, rain, and man. There are many versions of the myth, and scholars debate whether it influenced the Bible or vice versa. The […]

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