What’s a BANG file?

A BANG file is a nested, balanced grid file used in spatial databases to organize information into cells and improve search indexing times. It allows for distance as a factor in data relationships and can store information in overlapping cells. This organization makes data retrieval easier and provides insight into data relationships. A nested, balanced […]

After Big Bang, what happened?

The Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago, starting as a point of high density and expanding outward, causing space to expand. The Planck epoch, the grand unification epoch, and the inflationary epoch followed, with the universe growing rapidly. The universe is now at least 92 billion light-years in size. The Big Bang is the […]

Big Bang Theory: What is it?

The Big Bang theory explains the creation of the universe from a tiny, super dense, and hot mass that exploded and expanded rapidly. It is supported by evidence such as the cosmic microwave background radiation and the fact that galaxies are receding from each other. The theory was developed by Georges-Henri Lemaître and has been […]

Do Americans believe in the Big Bang?

A study of 2,500 American adults found that 20% believed in Bigfoot and UFOs, while some believed in paranormal phenomena. Democrats were more likely to believe in fortune telling and astrology, while Republicans were more likely to blame Satan for evil in the world. Humans sometimes have unshakeable beliefs about irrational things, like believing a […]

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