Best Southern Baptist seminary: How to choose?

When choosing a Southern Baptist seminary, students should consider factors such as theology, specialties, reputation, accreditation, faculty, and practicalities like cost and location. The Southern Baptist Convention allows for independence in decision-making, and students should choose a seminary that aligns with their future plans and beliefs. In choosing the best Southern Baptist seminary, students often […]

What’s a Baptist buzzard?

A “Buzzard Baptist” is a member of the Baptist faith who only attends funerals, not regular church services. This term may also describe those who only attend church events with food. It is considered derogatory and suggests a lack of religious conviction and commitment to the church. A “Buzzard Baptist” is someone who identifies as […]

Baptist theology?

Baptist theology shares core Christian beliefs such as the lordship of Jesus and salvation by grace through faith. Specific Baptist beliefs include believer’s baptism, the priesthood of all believers, and autonomy of churches. Baptist churches vary in beliefs due to their lack of hierarchy. They originated in the 15th century and have split into various […]

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