What’s a digital bathroom scale?

A digital bathroom scale displays weight as a digital numeric readout and can estimate body fat percentage and body water. It is usually made of glass, metal, or plastic and can be found at home supply stores or online. A digital bathroom scale is a device that allows the user to determine their current weight […]

Is the royal bathroom important?

Famous royals, including Queen Elizabeth I and King James I, had poor hygiene habits and rarely bathed. Daily showers were not the norm until the late 19th century, and bathing was a difficult and time-consuming process. Some oddities of the royals include Queen Elizabeth I ordering gingerbread effigies and Mary, Queen of Scots bathing in […]

Common bathroom euphemisms?

Euphemisms for using the bathroom have existed since early indoor toilets were called closets. Today, terms like “powdering your nose” or “visiting the little girl’s room” are polite, while “WC,” “lavatory,” and “john” are common. Vulgar terms for bodily functions also exist. In the 1940s novel Cheaper by the Dozen the eleven children often have […]

What’re Bathroom Readers?

Bathroom readers enjoy short, easy-to-read material such as Uncle John’s bathroom books, Guinness Book of Records, magazines, comics, and books by columnists. Children can benefit from picture books and potty training books. Avoid high-value books and cookbooks in the bathroom. Bathroom readers are people who read in the bathroom or books designed specifically for bathroom […]

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