[ad_1] Quakerism is a Christian-based faith with no universal creed, governed by personal beliefs and ethics. The central principle is the “inner light,” where individuals communicate with God without intermediaries. Quakers believe in equality, simplicity, and honesty, and practice silent worship. The Quaker faith is one with a set of beliefs that distinguish it from […]
[ad_1] Jehovah’s Witnesses are a Christian denomination that believes in the Bible as the word of God and Jesus as their Savior. They focus on biblical prophecy and believe in an imminent end of the world. They do not believe in the Trinity, pray to God instead of Jesus, and believe in a permanent paradise […]
[ad_1] Paranoid delusions are false beliefs that create fear or anxiety, often associated with schizophrenia, paranoid personality disorder, delusional disorder, and bipolar I disorder. Treatment may involve antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and counseling. In severe cases, emergency psychiatric services should be contacted. Being paranoid means having great fear or anxiety about something. Having delusions means believing […]