Types of benign epilepsy?

Benign epilepsy is a type of epilepsy that does not damage the brain and affects children. The most common types are benign idiopathic epilepsy, benign partial epilepsy, and benign rolandic epilepsy. Absence seizures may also be considered benign. Most children recover from these conditions by early adulthood. Treatment involves antiepileptic drugs and EEG diagnosis. There […]

What’s benign childhood epilepsy?

Benign childhood epilepsy, such as Rolandic epilepsy, is a condition where abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes seizures. It usually affects children between the ages of three and ten and is diagnosed after at least two seizures. Treatment is not always necessary, and the condition usually resolves before adulthood. Panayiotopoulos syndrome is another type […]

What’s benign intracranial hypertension?

Benign intracranial hypertension is a condition where there is increased pressure within the skull, causing severe headaches, nausea, blurred vision, and ringing in the ears. It is often idiopathic and can be confirmed through brain scans and eye exams. Prescription medication or surgery may be necessary for relief. Obesity, iron deficiency anemia, and hypothyroidism are […]

What’s a benign growth?

Benign growths are non-cancerous and do not spread to other parts of the body, but some can negatively affect health. Examples include moles and uterine fibroids, and doctors may order a biopsy to check for cancerous cells. It’s important to have benign growths evaluated and monitored. A benign growth is basically a growth of cells […]

Benign vs malignant: what’s the difference?

Benign growths are localized and lack the aggressive traits of cancerous tumors, but can still be dangerous. Malignant tumors grow quickly, invade surrounding tissue, and can spread to other areas of the body. Treatment approaches vary, and lab tests are important in determining the course of treatment. Being alert to physical changes is important for […]

Benign vs malignant tumors: what’s the difference?

Benign tumors remain local and cannot spread, while malignant tumors can distribute cancer cells to other parts of the body, making them more dangerous. Metastasis only occurs with malignant tumors. Both types can be serious, and treatment differs, with benign tumors usually treated with surgical removal and malignant tumors requiring more extensive treatment, often including […]

What’s a benign adenoma?

Benign adenomas are noncancerous tumors that can affect various glands in the body, including the adrenal gland, colon, thyroid gland, and pituitary gland. Treatment varies, but surgical removal is common. Adrenal adenomas can be treated with medication, but most are surgically removed. Colon adenomas are almost always removed as they can become cancerous. Pituitary gland […]

What’s Benign Fasciculation Syndrome?

Benign fasciculation syndrome is a rare condition that causes involuntary muscle contractions, mostly in the face, arms, and legs. It can cause symptoms such as numbness, cramping, twitching, and fatigue. There is no cure, but treatment options include beta blockers, antiepileptic drugs, and stress reduction methods. Benign fasciculation syndrome, sometimes referred to as muscle fasciculation […]

What’s a benign tumor?

Benign tumors do not invade surrounding tissue or spread like malignant tumors, but may still need to be removed if they press against vital organs or interfere with hormone production. Common types include moles and fibroid tumors, and removal may prevent future malignancy. Benign tumors are masses that do not have the characteristics associated with […]

Types of benign breast lumps?

Benign breast lumps are noncancerous and can be caused by natural changes in breast tissue, hormonal fluctuations, breast injury, or breast infections. The most common types are fibroadenomas, intraductal papillomas, fibrocystic changes, simple cysts, traumatic fat necrosis, and gynecomastia in men. Most benign lumps require no treatment and will resolve on their own. Benign breast […]

What’s a benign liver tumor?

Benign liver tumors are common and often asymptomatic. They can be discovered by accident during scans. The most common type is hemangioma, which rarely causes symptoms. Hepatocellular adenoma is rare and associated with oral contraceptives. Focal nodular hyperplasia is common in women and usually requires no treatment. A benign liver tumor is a non-cancerous growth […]

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