Did Berlin fully reunite after the Wall fell?

Berlin’s division is still visible from space, with the former West Berlin lit up in white and the former East Berlin in a softer yellow hue due to the use of outdated sodium vapor lamps. The city government lacks funds to install modern lighting, but the European Union is working to replace outdated lights across […]

Did Thatcher celebrate Berlin Wall’s fall?

Reagan’s 1987 speech is often credited with the fall of the Berlin Wall, but Thatcher opposed reunification, fearing it would undermine international stability. Pop culture also played a role, with Bowie and Springsteen performing in Berlin and Hasselhoff’s “Looking for Freedom” becoming popular after the wall fell. Former US President Ronald Reagan is often credited […]

What’s the Berlin Airlift?

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union blocked supply routes to West Berlin. The Western Allies responded with the Berlin Airlift, delivering over two million tons of supplies by air for 15 months. The blockade ended in 1949 with an agreement on open transportation lines. The Berlin Airlift was an ingenious solution to a very […]

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