What’s bilateral hearing loss?

Bilateral hearing impairment affects both ears and can cause difficulty hearing. It can be caused by injury, damage, or earwax buildup. Diagnosis involves hearing tests, and treatment depends on the cause, ranging from earwax removal to hearing aids or cochlear implants. Those with bilateral hearing loss may be at risk of psychological problems. Bilateral hearing […]

What are bilateral ties?

Bilateralism is the relationship between two independent regions, influenced by cultural, economic and political factors. Positive bilateralism is the most common type of alliance, with formal treaties and agreements strengthening the relationship. Bilateral relationships differ from unilateralism and multilateral relationships, and can be negative or positive. Successful bilateral relationships require compromise and mediation. Bilateral relations […]

First bilateral animal?

The first fossil of a bilateral animal, Vernanimalcula, was discovered in China in 2005. It had a mouth, intestines, and sensory pits, and was likely tripoblastic and coelomate. Its discovery sheds light on the evolution of bilateral animals. The first fossil body of a bilateral animal is Vernanimalcula (“small spring animal”), a simple metazoan that […]

What’s a bilateral contract?

A bilateral contract is a written agreement between two parties that involves the exchange of promises. Consideration is necessary for a legal agreement, and both parties must agree to the promises contained in the document. The distinction between bilateral and unilateral contracts can be difficult to recognize. Legal agreements involving long-term products or services may […]

What’s Bilateral Carpal Tunnel?

Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by overuse of the hands and wrists during certain activities. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and pain, and treatment options include medication, splints, ultrasound, and surgery. Bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve is compressed in the carpal tunnel of both wrists at the same time. It is […]

What’s a bilateral treaty?

Bilateral treaties are official agreements between two nations or international organizations that require ratification by governmental bodies. They can be complex and may take years to be approved. Examples include the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and the Camp David Accords. Bilateral free trade agreements are even more complex, often involving a bloc of nations negotiating […]

What’s Bilateral Weakness?

Bilateral weakness affects both sides of the body, usually in both arms or legs, and can be caused by injury or neurological disorders. Perceived bilateral weakness is a psychological effect. Treatment depends on the underlying cause, and diagnosis involves physical exams and tests. Bilateral weakness refers to weakness that occurs on both sides of the […]

What’s a bilateral investment treaty?

Bilateral investment treaties are agreements between two countries that establish rules for cross-border investment by private companies. They aim to make it more attractive for companies to invest in another country and typically include measures to guarantee fair treatment and protect against asset seizure. They also allow companies to take complaints to an independent international […]

Bilateral vs. Unilateral in health?

Bilateral conditions affect both sides of the body, while unilateral conditions affect only one side. This distinction can provide clues as to the underlying cause of a disease. The terms are typically used to describe organs or features found on both sides of the body. Bilateral disease often results from conditions that affect the entire […]

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