Bilingual secretary: job duties?

A bilingual secretary provides administrative support in two languages, communicating effectively with clients and colleagues. They can translate material and provide cultural advice, and are highly employable in regions where a second language is in high demand. Basic secretarial qualifications and bilingual language skills are required. A bilingual secretary provides administrative support in two languages. […]

What’s bilingual education?

Bilingual education involves learning in two languages, with some countries using it to preserve regional languages. In the Middle East, it is common to teach science and maths in English, while history and language are taught in Arabic. In the US, there is debate over English-only learning policies. Bilingual education is a form of education […]

How many bilingual people worldwide?

At least half of the world’s population can speak two languages fluently, with some being trilingual or plurilingual. Bilingual education is common in many nations. In Canada, 20% are fluent in both French and English, with 5% fluent in three languages and 1% proficient in four. Russia has up to 200 languages in use. The […]

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