What’s a Biofeedback Game?

Biofeedback games use input from devices that monitor physiological changes to control the game. They can be used for therapeutic or recreational purposes, rewarding players for achieving desired changes. Players must be connected to devices, and the game can be presented on a screen or in virtual reality. Biofeedback game designers work in various fields, […]

Biofeedback certification: how?

Biofeedback certification is not required but is desirable among medical professionals. Applicants need a degree in a clinical healthcare field and must complete coaching and supervised sessions. The Biofeedback Certification Institute of America is the most recognized organization in the US. Certification is valid for four years and requires 80 hours of continuing education for […]

What’s Biofeedback Software?

Biofeedback is a technique that uses equipment and software to help individuals control bodily reactions to stress. It can help with health problems caused by stress and comes with specific monitoring equipment. During a session, sensors are placed on the skin and connected to a computer with software that measures progress and offers feedback. The […]

Types of biofeedback devices?

Biofeedback is a non-invasive therapy that uses devices to monitor feedback signals from the body to help patients regulate biological functions. Different types of biofeedback devices are used depending on the condition present, such as EEG for brain wave activity, EDR for emotional arousal, and EMG for muscle tension. Biofeedback therapy is used to treat […]

How to get biofeedback training?

Biofeedback is the monitoring and altering of involuntary body functions to improve health. Healthcare professionals can be trained to use biofeedback monitors to treat stress-related illnesses, chronic pain, and other disorders. Biofeedback machines range from simple thermometers to complex brain wave monitors. Certification courses are available for professionals, and personal training is available for individuals. […]

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