Hollywood blacklist: what was it?

The Hollywood Blacklist was a list of entertainment professionals suspected of having Communist beliefs, leading to the end of many careers. It began in the 1930s and was enforced by the House Un-American Activities Committee. The blacklist affected not only Hollywood but also screenwriters, musicians, and minor actors. It was applied on and off and […]

What’s a software blacklist?

Software blacklisting is a process where programs scan for inappropriate software on a computer and execute specific instructions if found. Commonly blacklisted programs include those used by hackers and disk creation programs. Blacklisting can cause installation issues or reduced functionality, and false positives have been a problem. However, blacklisting does little to stop hackers and […]

What’s a spam blacklist?

A spam blacklist blocks unsolicited emails from specific IP addresses to reduce the amount of spam reaching end users. Providers set throttling policies to limit the number of incoming copies of a single email. The blacklist minimizes junk mail and maintains server efficiency, but may also catch legitimate emails. Anti-spam software should be used to […]

What’s a blacklist?

Blacklists are legal in most countries, but those based on race, age, gender, or religion are illegal. They can be created due to poor performance or cultural pressure, such as during the McCarthy era. Blacklisting can have serious consequences for individuals and businesses, including ruining careers and causing business failure. A blacklist typically refers to […]

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