Stomach blockage: what is it?

Stomach obstruction can be caused by genetic defects, polyps, ulcers, hernias, or cancerous tumors. Symptoms include cramping, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Treatment may involve surgery, stents, or chemotherapy. Pyloric stenosis is an inherited form of stomach obstruction that requires surgery. A stomach obstruction is a physical defect or blockage in the organ that can […]

What’s carotid artery blockage?

Carotid artery blockage can cause heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. Symptoms include lightheadedness and fainting. Risk factors include family history, smoking, high-fat diet, and diabetes. Cholesterol-lowering drugs can help manage the risk. Surgery may be required in severe cases. Early detection and treatment are crucial. A carotid artery blockage is when the carotid or […]

What’s a bile duct blockage?

Bile duct obstruction occurs when bile tubes become blocked, causing medical conditions such as jaundice and fever. Causes include cysts, gallstones, inflamed lymph nodes, and tumors. Symptoms include pain, dark urine, and jaundice. Diagnosis methods include physical exams, blood tests, and imaging. Treatment depends on the cause. A bile duct obstruction, also known as biliary […]

What’s an airway blockage?

Airway obstruction can cause difficulty breathing and is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate medical attention. It can be acute or chronic, with various causes such as allergies, infections, or smoking. Treatment depends on the cause, and symptoms can be managed long-term. An airway obstruction, also known as acute airway obstruction, is a blockage of […]

Kidney blockage: what is it?

Kidney obstruction is caused by a blockage in the ureter, commonly by kidney stones. Hydronephrosis and urinary tract infections may occur. Flank pain should be investigated by a healthcare professional, with ultrasound or CT scans used to determine the cause. Treatment depends on the type of obstruction, with kidney stones usually requiring pain medication and […]

What’s a coronary blockage?

Coronary artery blockages occur when blood vessels supplying the heart become obstructed, increasing the risk of heart attack. Symptoms include chest pain, cold sweats, and difficulty breathing. Lifestyle changes and medical procedures can help prevent blockages. A coronary artery blockage, also called atherosclerosis, occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart are […]

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