Do Everest hikers’ bodies serve as landmarks?

Over 200 climbers have died attempting to summit Mount Everest, with their bodies left on the mountain as landmarks. Many climbers are inexperienced, and the area above 26,000 feet is known as the “death zone” due to low oxygen levels. As of 2014, more than 200 of the climbers who have attempted to summit Everest, […]

Easter Island heads: With or without bodies?

Archaeologists have discovered that the famous stone heads on Easter Island are actually complete sculptures, with some of the bodies buried underground. Recent excavations have revealed complex engravings on the buried statues, which are thought to represent the ancestors of the Rapa Nui people. The island has nearly 900 moai, which were carved between 1100 […]

Do celestial bodies have plate tectonics?

Plate tectonics refers to the movement of a planet or moon’s crust, with Earth and Europa being the only known celestial bodies with this feature. Earth’s rocky plates have caused geological features, while Europa’s icy plates could make it habitable. “Plate tectonics” refers to when the outer layer of a celestial body, such as a […]

Bog Bodies: What are they?

Bog bodies, preserved by anoxic conditions and humic acid in bog water, offer insight into Iron Age Europe. Most were violently killed, possibly as human sacrifices. The oldest dates back to 8000 BC and the most recent to the 16th century. Recovery is difficult and preservation is essential. Jutland, Denmark is a prime location due […]

Dementia with Lewy bodies stages?

Dementia with Lewy bodies progresses quickly and symptoms vary from person to person. Early stages may include motor disability, hallucinations, sleep disturbances, and REM sleep behavior disorder. Later stages may include difficulty swallowing and malnutrition. The average lifespan after diagnosis is five to seven years. The stages of dementia with Lewy bodies generally begin with […]

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