Neuro-Structural Bodywork: What is it?

Neuro-structural bodywork is a deep tissue massage that realigns and repositions structures and tissues in the body, reducing pain and increasing efficiency. It integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual elements and can restore normal range of motion, reduce muscle spasms, and improve exercise results. Neuro-structural bodywork, sometimes referred to as NSB, is a form of deep […]

What’s Kripalu bodywork?

Kripalu Bodywork is a massage and yoga-like technique that promotes relaxation, psychological growth, and spiritual well-being. It draws heavily from yoga tradition and incorporates regular yoga techniques, such as asanas and pranayama. The Kripalu philosophy has grown steadily since its inception in 1966 and has over 250,000 people attend its retreats and spiritual seminars each […]

What’s a bodywork mechanic’s job?

Auto body mechanics have different roles, but all skilled mechanics can remove dents, restore a car’s body, and add new paint. Restoration, bodywork, and paint specialists are employed for each task. Mechanics can also restore the interior, install electronics, sound systems, and better engines. An auto body mechanic can have many different job descriptions and […]

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