What’s a brainstem glioma?

Brain stem gliomas are fast-growing tumors that occur in the brain stem, most commonly in children and adolescents. They are difficult to treat and the prognosis varies depending on the location of the tumor. Radiation therapy is the preferred method of treatment, but patients with pontine gliomas have a low chance of survival. A brain […]

What’s the auditory brainstem response?

The auditory brainstem response (ABR) test measures electrical signals in response to sound and is used to evaluate hearing and brain function. It is non-invasive and performed by a certified clinical audiologist. Abnormal results may require further tests by a doctor. The brainstem, located at the junction of the spinal cord and the brain, is […]

Brainstem infarction: what is it?

Brainstem infarction is a type of stroke caused by decreased blood flow to the brain stem, resulting in tissue death and organ failure. It can be caused by cerebral ischemia, thrombosis, or embolism. Symptoms include slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, and loss of balance. Treatment options include medication, surgery, and ongoing care such as physical and […]

What are brainstem injuries?

Brain stem lesions can occur due to various reasons like injury, tumors, infections, or strokes. They can cause severe disability or death as the brain stem controls vital functions like breathing, heart rate, and consciousness. Symptoms include pain, loss of consciousness, and difficulty breathing. Treatment depends on the type of injury and its severity. Brain […]

Brainstem damage symptoms?

Brainstem damage can cause a range of symptoms, from mild cognitive impairment to coma, and can be caused by physical trauma, strokes, or degenerative diseases. Early identification and treatment can improve outcomes, and treatment may include medications, physical therapy, and supportive care. Symptoms of brainstem damage vary according to the intensity of the injury and […]

What’s brainstem encephalitis?

Brainstem encephalitis causes inflammation of the brainstem, often due to cancerous tumors. Symptoms include ataxia, dizziness, and visual disturbances. Treatment involves intravenous drugs and surgery if necessary. Brainstem encephalitis is a medical condition that causes swelling and inflammation of the brainstem, the area of ​​the brain that connects to the spine. The most common cause […]

Brainstem tumor: what is it?

Brain stem tumors are difficult to treat and can cause serious medical problems. Symptoms include facial muscle control problems and weakened muscles. Diagnosis is done with medical imaging studies, and treatment options include radiation therapy and physical therapy. A brain stem tumor is a tumor found in the brain stem, which is the part of […]

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