Brand Management: What is it?

Brand management focuses on marketing a specific brand or product to increase popularity and market share. It involves recognizing a product’s success and building on it, often through introducing new products under the same brand name. Successful branding requires a simple, recognizable name that can be easily translated into different languages. There are three categories […]

What’s brand architecture?

Brand architecture is how a company’s brands are structured and related to each other, with options including a single corporate brand, sub-brands, or individual product brands. Choosing the right architecture is critical for building customer loyalty and integrating new products. Brand architecture describes the way a company’s brands are structured and related to each other. […]

What’s a national brand?

National brands are distributed throughout the country and may also be sold internationally. They require a large marketing budget and rely on their reputation to gain market share. Some started as small regional brands, while others prefer to stay regional and support the local economy. A national brand is a brand that is distributed throughout […]

Types of corporate brand strategy?

Corporate branding strategies promote a company’s products or services over others. Types include product, product line, product assortment, and overall corporate branding, with flexibility to apply more than one. The preferred method is promoting the company itself, creating a higher profile for the business. A corporate branding strategy is a process that companies use to […]

What’s the Brand Dev. Index?

The Brand Development Index (BDI) measures sales performance in a specific area or demographic. To calculate it, a company must know its sales market share in an area and the population size. Marketers use this tool to identify effective marketing areas and make changes where necessary. Brands are constantly competing with others that have similar […]

What’s an internal brand?

Internal branding aims to make employees “ambassadors” of a company’s culture and mission, improving job satisfaction and retention. It involves culture-based education and team building to create a workplace that reflects the corporation’s values. A well-crafted internal brand can increase employee satisfaction and the company’s success in the long term. Internal branding is a corporate […]

Brand language?

Brand language is the words and phrases used by a company to describe itself or its products. It helps to differentiate a business from competitors and create word associations with its products. Word choice and tone are important considerations, and consistent use can create brand identity and prevent competitors from framing the brand negatively. Brand […]

Brand values?

Brand values are fundamental principles that guide a company’s direction and decisions. Companies use them to create a corporate culture and attract customers. Advertisers insert brand values into marketing campaigns, and they can change over time due to product or service changes or bad publicity. Brand values ​​are the fundamental principles of a company that […]

What’s Brand Recognition?

Brand awareness is crucial for businesses to increase revenue and establish customer loyalty. Companies can achieve this through various forms of advertising, but it is important to create memorable and high-quality ads and invest in enough advertising space. Recognized brands are more likely to be chosen over unrecognized ones, and companies must strive to become […]

Brand and brief: how they relate?

Creative briefs guide artistic projects for branding and product development. They allow clients to define their vision and ensure consistency in brand components. A clear brief leads to better results and professionalism, but it is not always necessary for quality work. Creative briefs are used by design and advertising agencies to establish the client’s vision […]

Best brand marketing strategy: how to choose?

Conduct accurate market research on target customers to choose the best brand marketing strategy. The marketing mix strategy, including price, packaging, distribution, and promotion, must be carefully planned. Product positioning and branding strategies should target different market segments. A solid brand image increases consumer awareness, and advertising must communicate the strategic message effectively. The most […]

Brand equity & advertising: what’s the link?

Brand equity and advertising are interconnected as advertising can strengthen brand equity. Companies use brand extensions and consumer-based approaches to improve brand loyalty and perception. Strong brand equity can lead to reduced advertising spend and increased profits through word-of-mouth advertising. The means a company uses to help individuals and other companies identify its products is […]

What’s a local brand?

Location branding promotes a geographic location to induce consumers to think of it when buying certain products or engaging in activities. It requires identifying specific characteristics relevant to the area and careful planning for success. It can increase tourism and improve the local economy. Also known as location branding or destination branding, location branding is […]

What’s an Asst. Brand Mgr’s Role?

Assistant brand managers promote and monitor consumer perceptions of a company’s brand name, combining marketing and business development skills. They oversee advertising campaigns, online brand management, and legal aspects of trademark management. They are responsible for building long-term brand management portfolios and presenting strategies for future branding. The job requires creativity, business dexterity, and marketing […]

How to be a brand manager?

Becoming a brand manager requires a business-related undergraduate degree, creative and technical skills, and three to five years of assistant experience. A master’s in business is often necessary to move up. The job involves creating a positive image for the brand and implementing marketing campaigns. Becoming a brand manager typically requires the right mix of […]

Brand a company: how-to.

Companies must apply for a trademark to register a name, symbol, phrase, or design for exclusive use. The process varies by jurisdiction, with the USPTO responsible for the US and OHIM for the EU. Trademarks identify businesses and provide legal protection. Before applying, companies should check for existing trademarks. The registration process can take over […]

How to build a global brand?

Trademarks provide intellectual property rights and protections to a logo or other distinctive signifier, allowing consumers to identify goods or services. To obtain an international trademark, understand treaties and systems governing international property rights. The TIRP and CTM are resources for WTO and EU member countries, respectively. The Madrid System is an international trademark registration […]

Brand a name: how?

Trademarking a name is important to protect its value. Trademarks grant exclusive use of a word, phrase or image in connection with the sale of goods or services. Specific requirements must be met, and trademarks are reserved for names used in trade. Trademark law focuses on use, not content. Trademarks established by use have only […]

Brand a slogan?

To register a slogan, first check if it’s already registered, then complete a trademark application and pay the fee. Search online or contact the trademark agency in your jurisdiction for specific information. Consider searching for companies using the same tagline and choose a different one if necessary. Submit the application online, by mail, or in […]

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