What’s a cyber breach?

Hackers and malicious software can breach computer security measures to steal personal information or cause damage. Keystroke loggers, fake websites, and viruses are common tactics. Cybersecurity technology is constantly evolving to thwart attacks, but passwords remain a weak point. Internal breaches by employees are also a concern. A computer security breach is an incursion into […]

What’s a data breach?

Data breaches occur when unauthorized individuals access electronic or hard copy data. Poor data management, hacking, and theft can cause breaches, ranging from embarrassment to national security threats. Governments require companies to notify customers if a breach occurs. A data breach is a situation where data is inadvertently released or accessed by unauthorized persons. The […]

What’s a breach of peace?

Breach of the peace is a crime in public places that could disturb others. It comes from Commonwealth nations with a monarch and can include arguing, loud singing, and disruptive behavior. Violating peace laws can be used to crack down on unsanctioned demonstrations and can result in warnings, arrests, fines, or public service. A breach […]

How to handle a data breach notification?

Data security breaches involve the loss or compromise of a company’s critical proprietary data, which can be used for fraudulent purposes. Data breach notification procedures should be in place, and affected individuals should monitor their credit reports and privacy information. States have different breach notification laws, and companies should make detailed information available upon customer […]

File breach of contract lawsuit?

To file a breach of contract lawsuit, research contract law, prepare a claim, file it in court, and deliver copies to the defendant. Legal research should cover rules of procedure and evidence. It’s best to hire a lawyer to avoid mistakes. If not, research the breach of contract lawsuit, prepare a complaint and summons, pay […]

Legal remedies for contract breach?

Breach of contract occurs when a party fails to fulfill their responsibilities as specified in the contract. Remedies for breach of contract include monetary compensation, cancellation of the contract, or modification of the terms. Jurisdictional laws may affect the remedies, and a judge may need to determine if a breach has occurred. Parties may resolve […]

Breach of fiduciary duty?

Fiduciary duty requires trustees to prioritize the interests of the principal, and breaches can occur through conflicts of interest or subordinating the principal’s interests. The concept varies by country, with US stockbrokers exempt. Breaches resulting in profit for the trustee can be remedied through constructive trust. Fiduciary duty requires that the best interests of the […]

How to file a breach of contract claim?

To bring a successful breach of contract claim, the plaintiff must prove the existence of a valid contract, how it was breached, and request redress. The defendant may have valid defenses such as lack of capacity or unreasonableness. If the plaintiff proves their case, the court will issue an order for remedies based on the […]

Employment contract breach?

A breach of employment contract occurs when one party fails to comply with the provisions of the agreement. Both employers and employees can be at fault, and legal action may be taken to seek compensation. Settlement terms are often negotiated instead of going to court. Also called a breach of employment contract, a breach of […]

What’s breach of promise?

A breach of promise is a legal action where a person can be sued for terminating a marriage engagement. It is considered obsolete in many countries, but some jurisdictions still recognize it. Compensation is usually required, and guidelines determine the amount. In some parts of the US, it is prohibited, while in other countries, it […]

What’s a security breach?

A security breach is a violation of policies or laws designed to protect something. It can involve bypassing security checkpoints, compromising confidential information, or weakening defined security interests. Laws vary by country and industry, but most require entities to take precautions to protect sensitive information and notify affected individuals of breaches. Companies must ensure compliance […]

What’s a trust breach?

Breach of confidentiality is a civil tort where unauthorized release of confidential information causes damage to the plaintiff. Damages depend on the harm suffered, and punitive damages may be awarded. Professional relationships have a duty of confidentiality. The case must show the information was used to the plaintiff’s detriment. The court considers the relationship of […]

Breach of warranty: what is it?

A breach of warranty occurs when a product’s claims or representations are found to be false. Express warranties are clear statements by merchants, while implied warranties arise by law. Breaches can occur in connection with the sale of an automobile or when a product does not perform as expected. Personal injury resulting from a breach […]

Contract breach defenses?

Breach of contract defenses include mental incompetence, pressure to sign, fraud, and agreement of both parties. If one party breaches a contract, the other can terminate it or sue for damages. Defenses can also include illegal contracts, impossible terms, or prevention of fulfilling obligations. Incompetence can also be a defense. The agreement of both parties […]

What’s a HIPAA breach?

HIPAA is a US law that governs health insurance coverage and patient privacy. Part 2 of the law covers patient rights in administrative, physical, and technical categories. Failure to comply with HIPAA can result in criminal and civil penalties, including fines and imprisonment. In 1996, the United States Congress enacted the Health Insurance Portability and […]

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