What’s Lithium Bromide?

Lithium bromide is an ionic compound made of lithium and bromine, commonly used as a desiccant and in refrigeration units. It can be produced by reacting lithium hydroxide and hydrobromic acid, and affects CNS functions. Lithium bromide (LiBr), also known as lithium monobromide, is a compound of the elements lithium and bromine, with a lithium […]

Ind. uses of Phosphorus Bromide?

Phosphorus bromide is a colorless, pungent chemical fluid produced by controlled exposure of red phosphorus to bromine. It is used in pharmaceutical manufacturing and as a fire extinguishing agent. However, it is highly reactive, toxic, and corrosive, requiring careful handling. Phosphorus bromide is a colorless chemical fluid with a pungent odor and a chemical formula […]

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