What’s a Bug Deflector?

Bug deflectors are accessories for trucks and SUVs that prevent bugs and debris from hitting the windshield. They are aerodynamically designed and protect the hood from road debris. Most cars are not designed for bug deflectors due to their aerodynamic design. Bug deflectors come in various shades and heights and can be easily installed without […]

What’s a state bug?

Each US state has symbols representing their natural resources and cultural heritage, including flags, flowers, birds, seals, and animals. Many states have adopted an official state bug, with the bee being the most popular. Monarch butterflies and ladybugs are also popular, and some states have multiple insect categories. Delaware is the only state with a […]

What’s bug tracking?

Bug tracking is a method used by software developers to collect reports of defects in software programs. Developers can use special reporting software to make reporting easier. Mozilla offers free bug tracking software called Bugzilla. Reported bugs are assigned unique tracking numbers and prioritized based on various factors. Bug tracking systems improve customer satisfaction, increase […]

What’s the Y2K bug?

The millennium bug was a programming issue caused by storing dates in a six-character format, resulting in incorrect sorting after 1999. Programmers had to decide whether to rewrite programs or fix pre-existing ones. Over $300 billion was spent fixing the issue. The millennium bug was a computer problem that threatened the operations of businesses, utility […]

What’s the bug limit in candy bars?

The FDA allows up to 60 pieces of insect parts per 100g of chocolate, as they are considered less of a health hazard than pesticides. Contamination from cockroaches and their droppings is unintentional. Other guidelines include one rodent hair per 100g of peanut butter and one worm per 250ml of canned fruit juice. 5% of […]

Best bed bug exterminator: how to choose?

Choosing an experienced bed bug exterminator who uses multiple methods is important. Communication, cost, and reputation are also factors to consider. The exterminator should do a visual inspection and recommend a treatment plan, including steam treatment for bedding and upholstery. Prep work is necessary, and getting a written quote is advised. Checking the Better Business […]

What’s a Super Bug?

Superbugs are antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that are difficult to fight. They are often found in hospitals and can cause serious infections. Overuse of antibiotics has caused many strains to develop, and some may become virtually incurable. Doctors need to identify the type of superbug and the antibiotics it is resistant to in order to […]

What’s a Bug Out Bag?

A bug bag, also known as a 72-hour survival kit, contains essential supplies for personal comfort and survival during natural disasters or emergencies. It should include critical items such as food, water, first aid kit, and self-powered light sources. Outdoor specialty stores offer emergency survival kits containing portable tools and water purification systems. A bug […]

What’s the kissing bug?

Kissing bugs, also known as killer bugs or triatomines, are a subfamily of insects found in the Americas that feed on human and animal blood. They can cause allergic reactions and transmit diseases like Chagas disease. Prevention methods include using screened windows and insect repellent. A kissing bug is an insect of the subfamily Triatominae, […]

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