What’s a Workplace Bully?

Workplace bullying, which can include physical, verbal, and sexual abuse, is often carried out by those in positions of authority and can create a hostile work environment. Employers may struggle to deal with the issue, but victims have the right to file complaints with relevant parties. Bullying is not limited to neighborhoods or elementary school […]

How do girls bully girls?

Girls bully girls in verbal and nonverbal ways, often in groups, to gain power or fight insecurity. Verbal attacks, cyberbullying, and threats are common tactics used, leading to ostracism and harm to the victim’s self-esteem. Although much of the research and statistics on bullying focus on the ways boys bully each other, girls bully girls […]

What’s a bully?

Bullying is the habitual infliction of physical and psychological abuse on victims, which can occur in schools, workplaces, and online. Bullies target those they perceive as weak, and their behavior can lead to emotional withdrawal, anxiety, and behavioral changes in victims. Early intervention is important to prevent further antisocial behavior. Avoiding interaction with the bully […]

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