Corn vs. bunion: what’s the diff?

Corns are skin-related conditions that can affect nerves, while bunions are bone-related and can irritate the skin. Calluses can cause pain when pressure is applied. Treatment for corns includes scraping or using pellets, but those with diabetes should seek medical help. Bunions occur when bones grow towards other toes and can be caused by high-heeled […]

What’s a Bunion?

Bunions are painful bumps on the side of the foot caused by applying unnatural pressure over time, often due to wearing tight shoes. They can cause discomfort, disfigurement, and even require surgery. Treatment includes switching to roomier shoes and surgery in extreme cases. Prevention involves avoiding narrow, tight, and high-heeled shoes. A bunion is a […]

What’s a foot bunion?

Bursae bags lubricate and reduce irritation caused by muscles or ligaments passing over bones. Inflammation of these sacs can cause bunions, which result in pain, swelling, and weakness in the foot. Rest, ice, exercises, and changing shoes can help, and surgery may be needed in rare cases. Bursae bags are fluid-filled sacs that lubricate and […]

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