What’s a Buckle Bunny?

Buckle Bunnies are rodeo groupies, often women, who dress and behave in sexually suggestive ways and seek intimate relationships with rodeo performers. They follow their favorite stars around the competition circuit and offer things like places to stay and home-cooked meals. A Buckle Bunny is a kind of rodeo groupie, a woman who seeks out […]

Australia’s Easter Bunny alternative?

There are only 600 bilbies left in Australia due to the introduction of rabbits by European settlers. Bilbies are now endangered due to predators and habitat loss. Australians have made bilbies a symbol of Easter, with proceeds from chocolate bilbies going towards conservation efforts. The idea of replacing the Easter Bunny with the bilby began […]

What’s Bunny Chow?

Bunny Chow is a South African fast food consisting of a hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with curry, originating in Durban. It is believed to have been created for golf caddies with limited lunch breaks. Durban’s large Indian population brought their spicy cuisine, making curry and bunny chow a signature dish. There is etiquette involved […]

Easter Bunny: Easter connection?

Easter combines pagan and Christian traditions, with the Easter Bunny and eggs symbolizing fertility. The tradition originated in Germany in the 1400s and was brought to the US by German immigrants in the 1800s. Easter is also associated with jelly beans and colorful baskets. The word “Easter” comes from the pagan goddess Eostre. While Easter […]

What’re Bunny slippers?

Bunny slippers have become a cultural phenomenon, worn by adults and children alike. They are often a symbol of relaxation and comfort, and can feature various characters or animals. Today, they are considered cute and eclectic, and no longer a source of embarrassment. Bunny slippers are a cultural phenomenon, first appealing to children and now […]

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