Why no pollster calls cell phones?

Pollsters often exclude cell phones from their surveys due to federal laws prohibiting autodial systems and concerns about compensation for airtime. Cell phone-only households are often clustered within specific demographics, making exclusion problematic. Pollsters historically avoided cell phones to avoid duplicating data and face geographical challenges. Pollsters can exclude cell phone exchanges from their lists […]

What are Cattle Calls? (28 characters)

A cattle call audition is a process where hundreds or thousands of performers compete for roles, often required by union rules. Notices are published in trade journals or given to talent agencies. The director or producers may not attend, and a casting director is usually hired to make bulk casting decisions. The chances of winning […]

What are nuisance calls? (28 characters)

Nuisance calls, such as telemarketing and political calls, can be dealt with by reporting them to phone companies, using Caller ID, or registering with the National Do Not Call Registry in the US. Fraud and harassment are potential issues with nuisance calls, and law enforcement should be contacted if necessary. Nuisance calls are unwanted telephone […]

Origins of “pot calls kettle black”?

“The pot calling the kettle black” accuses someone of hypocrisy. The phrase originated in medieval kitchens where pots and kettles were made of cast iron and blackened with use. The phrase has been used in literature, including Don Quixote and by Shakespeare. The phrase is not racist, as it refers to the color of the […]

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