What’s invasive candidiasis?

Invasive candidiasis is a fungal infection that affects the bloodstream and can cause organ failure and other complications. It is most common in individuals with deficient immune systems, cancer patients, and those using intravenous catheters. There are different types of invasive candidiasis, and it can affect multiple organs at the same time. It can be […]

What’s chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis?

Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is a harmless condition affecting mucous membranes and skin, but can become life-threatening for those with compromised immunity. Diagnosis is made through visual examination and laboratory tests. Treatment involves antifungal medication, immunotherapy, and topical creams. Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is an infectious disease associated with exposure to the yeast Candida albicans (C. […]

Skin candidiasis: what is it?

Cutaneous candidiasis is a fungal infection that can affect any skin area on the body, causing itching, rashes, and skin lesions. Risk factors include obesity, poor hygiene, and diabetes. Treatment includes topical antifungal creams or oral medications, and maintaining dry skin. Nail infections and immunodeficiency diseases can also be caused by candidiasis. Candidiasis is a […]

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