What’s Canon Law?

Canon law is the internal legal system of some Christian sects, including the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches. It establishes rules and punishments for Church members and officiants, and has been adapted by different sects. Canon law does not apply to non-members, and some Christians push for reforms. Canon lawyers may represent individuals in […]

What’s a literary canon?

A literary canon is a group of important literary works from a particular time period or place, established by influential critics, scholars, and teachers. The canon is constantly evolving and subjective, based on relevance to current trends and events. The popularity and relevance of a work can change over time, leading to additions or subtractions […]

What’s the US canon?

The American canon includes works of literature and poetry that represent the American experience, written by American writers. It covers different genres and movements, and is not a single list. Lists usually mention particular works by writers such as Hemingway, Faulkner, Hughes, Dickinson, and Williams. Different lists can be found and compared to get a […]

Add a book to the canon: how?

A literary canon is a list of important books, chosen by individuals or groups, that have cultural impact and are studied in depth. Canons can be created by universities, literary elites, or publishing houses. The process is subjective and some argue that there are no literary canons. Populist canons are less stable than those produced […]

What’s the Western canon?

The Western canon includes literature, art, and music that have shaped and defined Western civilization. It is a cornerstone of universities and the transmission of cultural heritage. The canon is decided by qualified individuals and includes works that have aesthetic value, originality, and a contribution to society’s values and beliefs. Examples include Shakespeare and Joyce, […]

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